Fuqua School Starts FFA Chapter

Published 4:31 pm Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This year Fuqua is offering a new extra-curricular option, FFA. The National FFA Organization (formerly known as Future Farmers of America) helps students develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a board range of career pathways.

Although it is unusual for an independent school to have an FFA chapter, after reviewing FFA’s impressive history of success developing leadership, personal growth and career success, along with its motto, Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve, it was realized how well FFA complements Fuqua School’s beliefs.

In order to qualify for an FFA chapter, the school must have agricultural education as part of the curriculum. Currently, Fuqua School offers Environmental Service and Agra-Science; a portion of Agri-Science focuses on environmental management. In order to meet the full criteria for FFA, the school will add additional courses. Expanding the curriculum will give students the opportunity to be involved in FFA from ninth grouch twelfth grade.

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Ruth S. Murphy, president of Fuqua School, shared, “Fuqua School expands its offerings whenever possible to respond to the varying interests and needs of its students. The addition of an FFA chapter will add a new dimension to the range of our extra-curricular options and provide a wonderful opportunity for students to explore the changing world of agriculture. We are grateful that Mrs. Tina French and her daughter, Sarah Jane, suggested we consider an FFA chapter.”