County Offices Must Avoid Campaign Help
Published 3:39 pm Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Editor, The Herald:
Recently, I received a phone call from one of the Prince Edward County offices that was inviting me to a meeting for a candidate running for a county office.
I have also seen churches endorse a single candidate with a campaign ad on church property along a main road in Prince Edward County.
As a pastor, I know there is a law that prohibits a non-profit church from endorsing a single candidate. I personally do not believe as a Prince Edward County taxpayer I should help pay for those campaigning for any candidate, regardless of its party.
My main concern is county politicians accepting what I believe to be an unethical practice, which makes me wonder what other perks they may believe they are entitled to from the taxpayers.
County officials who use, in my opinion, these questionable means cause the low public opinion of politicians.
When an unethical or unlawful means is used by a candidate then I believe we can expect a corrupt government.
Steve Conwell