Amelia Board Decision Critized
Published 1:51 pm Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Editor, The Herald:
On June 10, the Amelia County School Board members chose to turn their backs on the students, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, aids and parents. The School Board approved the Superintendent's recommended 2013-14 budget of $16,719,147 which gave all employees a two and a half percent raise and cut the school year by 10 days. Raises could range from $625 to as much as $3,281 a year. The lowest paid employee's salaries could be cut from $244.44 to as much as $611.11 per year.
Parents of Amelia Middle School students will have to pay $50 for each child to participate in athletics; parents of Amelia County High School students will pay $100 per child. It is disappointing that the parents' extensive fundraising projects will not be enough to offset the additional costs.
Henry Featherston, President
Amelia Branch NAACP