Published 3:58 pm Thursday, June 27, 2013
June 27 – “Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backwards.”
Wishing each of you a safe and fun filled Fourth of July! On the Fourth of July at 2 p.m. how about everyone ringing a bell for our freedom.
The Prospect Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary thanks each of you for your support last Saturday night at their “Meatloaf” dinner. There was a full house with good fellowship and delicious food.
Mr. and Mrs. William Amos attended the delicious meatloaf dinner at the Prospect Fire House last Saturday night. They enjoyed the delicious meal as well as the good fellowship.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows, of Farmville, spent last Thursday in Richmond. They had lunch with their daughter, Julie Shotwell, and spent the afternoon shopping.
Dr. and Mrs. William Schall entertained Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows on June 21 at Applebee's in Farmville. The Meadows were celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary.
Dr. and Mrs. William Schall and Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows, of Farmville, entertained Qian Liu and Zhou Kunzhen, of Nanning, China, and Nancy Haga, of Farmville, with a dinner at Allen's Restaurant in Powhatan several weeks ago. Qian Liu is here attending Longwood University for a few weeks this summer. Before returning home, she will visit several cities in the U.S.
The Special Blessing Mission group of Glenn Memorial Baptist church met on June 24 to finish working on their most recent project.
Mrs. Peggy Kelsey attended the birthday party for her great-grandson, Bryson Philander Kelsey, at the Pump-it-up Recreation Center near Brandermill on Saturday. He was four years old and will enter Preschool this Fall.
Many from the area attended the Lowe-Simpson Reunion at the Cozy Acres Campground in Powhatan on Saturday. It was hosted by both families.
Darrell Shumaker and his dad, Mike Shumaker celebrated their birthdays on Sunday following church.
A large crowd attended the Calvary Chapel men's softball teams at the Field of Dreams on Friday evening. Four teams and their coaches did a great job.
On Sunday Brianna, Charles and Christina Smith spent the night at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith. On Monday the children and their grandparents went to Stafford to have lunch with Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Dolores Smith.
On Thursday Mrs. Pat Smith met her college roommate, Mrs. Carolyn Boyd, for lunch in Appomattox.
On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith hosted the monthly covered dish for Faith Bible Fellowship at their home. Attending were Mrs. Hilde Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fehr, Mr. and Mrs. John Utzinger and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McClintock.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows spent Sunday, Father's Day, in Richmond with their daughter, Julie, and family, Andy, Josh and Kate Shotwell. They all enjoyed a delicious dinner at Allen's in Powhatan Mrs. Brenda Walton, of Powhatan, and Mrs. Pat Smith met for breakfast on Tuesday morning at the Cumberland Restaurant. Mrs. Smith then had lunch at the home of Mrs. Norma Hertzler before returning to Farmville.
On Wednesday Mrs. Sherri Fisher, Mrs. Helen Hertzler, Mrs. Norma Hertzler and Mrs. Pat Smith traveled to Lynchburg to attend the Revive Tour Radio Taping by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. After the taping Mrs. Sherri Fisher, Mrs. Norma Hertzler, Mrs. Rosie Lapp and Mrs. Pat Smith attended the luncheon held for the wives of church leaders at Thomas Roads Baptist Church.
Mr. and Dr. Lon Stockton, Jr. and son Sean treated his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton to a Father's Day lunch on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Early of Richmond and Mrs. Nancy Williams of Newport News spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelsey. They attended the Farmville High School reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. William “Bill” Amos were lunch guests of his daughter, Vickie Johns for a Father's Day cook-out on Sunday.
Family, friends and neighbors wish a speedy recovery for those who are sick at this time: Mrs. Betty Jean Bolt, Mrs. Flora Bolt, Mrs. Ruth K. Simpson, Mrs. Carol Lee Fulcher, Dennis Leonard, Dick Lash and Douglas Ferguson.
Neighbors and friends are expressing their sincere sympathy to the families of Winn Hensley and Mrs. Mildred Lundeen.
Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle invites everyone to Sunday School at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. Dick Boswell of Forrest a certified lay minister will be in the pulpit this Sunday.
The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect invites you to come and worship with them every Sunday; Sunday School is at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. This being the 5th Sunday there will only be Sunday School.
Calvary Chapel-Farmville invites you to worship with them on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. They invite you to join them each week on Wednesday evening for Bible Study for all age groups at 7 a.m. The Church is located at 300 Industrial Park Blvd., in the former Stackpole-Carbone building.
Happy Birthday is wished to all those celebrating birthdays during the month of July, your birthstone is the Ruby and your flower is the Larkspur. Those I know about who will be celebrating are: Stephanie Roach (3), Martha Webb (4); Beverly Schulz of Glenn Allen (5); Wilson Cook (6); Jennifer K. Dickson (7); Shirley Martin of Cumberland (9); Larry Derrenbacker of Richmond (10); Cathy Kelsey (10); Abby Kelsey (10); Lynn Fulcher (13); Lindy Hamlett (14); Brandon Bolt (16); Otis Worley (17); Larry Allen (19); Judy Bolt (19); Adam Schulz of Glenn Allen (19); Marie Adams (21); Bettye Brisentine (21); Henry Booth (23); Tom Young (24); Judith Reynolds of Keysville (26); William Fore, Jr. (29); and Harriett Whipkey of West Virginia (29).
Happy Anniversary is wished to all those celebrating an anniversary during July. Those I know about are: Ray and Betty Noblin (9); David and Ashley Paquette (10); Larry and Jean Derrenbacker (12); Bob and Paula Card (23); Steve and Terri Bolt (25); and Dale and Judy Bolt (29).
If you would like to contribute something to the News, call 392-6431 or email to mom@moonstar.com.