Fireworks Are Ready

Published 4:23 pm Thursday, June 27, 2013

FARMVILLE – The fuses for the Town of Farmville's Fourth of July fireworks display will be lit on Wednesday, July 3.

The annual Fireworks After Dark celebration will be held on the 3rd at the Farmville Regional Airport beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Music will be provided by Soul Expressions Band, of Richmond, and a special guest, ABC Duets contestant and musical artist Bridget Carrington.

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Admission is $5 per vehicle and the gates open at 4:30 p.m.

The fireworks are sent skyward after dark.

Meherrin Fireworks

Fireworks will light the sky on Thursday night, July 4, as the Meherrin Fire Department holds its annual Independence Day celebration beginning at 11 a.m. with Brunswick stew, food and craft vendors and music provided by Class Act Band and Hard Drive.

No pets or alcohol.

The Meherrin fire works will be launched at dusk.

The rain date is Saturday, July 6.