Democratic Primary Was A Secondary Voter Concern
Published 3:59 pm Thursday, June 13, 2013
FARMVILLE – The Democratic Party held a primary Tuesday but 97 percent of the area's registered voters didn't give them a hand.
Little or no advertising, sparse media coverage and no top of the ticket contest contributed to the barely visible public participation.
Voter turnout in Prince Edward County was 2.45 percent of registered voters. The County's Voter Registrar, Dale Bolt, could not recall an election with lower turnout.
Last year's GOP primary to select a candidate for the United States Senate saw just 3.87 percent of Prince Edward's registered voters bother to cast ballots-lousy turnout but not a record.
The worst turnout on Tuesday in Prince Edward was 13 voters in Buffalo Heights, with 53 voters in Rice topping the election day charts.
The same story, almost to the decimal point, was written in Buckingham, where Voter Registrar Margaret Thomas said the 2.43 percent turnout of registered voters was very definitely the lowest percentage in her considerable experience.
Buckingham has 10,038 registered voters and 244 of them showed up on Tuesday.
Cumberland County's Voter Registrar Marlene Watson also confirmed Tuesday as setting a new county electoral participation low.
Oh, yes, the Democratic ballot for November is Terry McAuliffe-unopposed and not on the primary ballot-for governor, Ralph S. Northam for lieutenant governor, and Mark R. Herring for attorney general.
The statewide total was 76,463 votes for Northam, or 54.28 percent, to 64,408 for Aneesh Chopra, or 45.72 percent, in the lieutenant governor's race, and Herring receiving 71,037 votes, or 51.63 percent, to 66,547 votes, or 48.37 percent, for Justin E. Fairfax.
Locally, Chopra won Buckingham, Cumberland and Prince Edward, with Herring taking two of three-Cumberland and Prince Edward.
In Buckingham, the election results for lieutenant governor showed Chopra won with 139 votes, or 59.40 percent, to 95 votes for Northam, who had 40.60 percent of the vote.
The county's results for the attorney general nomination saw Fairfax win with 118 votes, or 50.86 percent of the vote, to 114 for Herring, with 49.14 percent.
A nail-biter there, but not very many hands involved, with those 244 people voting in Buckingham.
In Cumberland, the race for lieutenant governor saw Chopra again triumphant, with 56 votes, or 59.57 percent of the vote, to 38 votes for Northam, or 40.43 percent.
The Cumberland battle for attorney general produced a win for Herring, with 57 votes, or 58.76 percent, to 40 votes for Fairfax, or 41.24 percent.
Ninety-seven people voted in Cumberland during the 12 hours of balloting.
In Prince Edward County, Chopra also came out on top, collecting 176 votes, or 53.17 percent of the vote, to 155 votes for Northam, or 46.83 percent.
The county's tally in the attorney general balloting saw Herring win, with 189 votes, or 56.59 percent, to 145 votes for Fairfax, or 43.41 percent of the vote.
Unofficially, three hundred and 34 people voted in Prince Edward County.
Statewide, 140,871 people voted in Tuesday's primary.