PE Schools Talk Summer Programs

Published 4:21 pm Thursday, May 23, 2013

PRINCE EDWARD – The close of the school year is drawing nigh, but the learning will continue for the summer.

Prince Edward Director of Curriculum and Instruction Laura Williamson presented a report on upcoming summer programs at the May 8 school board meeting.

Academic programs, specifically, are scheduled between July 8-18 for elementary, middle and high school students and will target those recommended as needing additional assistance. Elementary and middle school students will focus on reading and math; there will be opportunities for Standards of Learning retake and credit recovery for high school students.

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Williamson also reported that the elementary school will host the Southside Virginia Family YMCA program, between June 3-July 25. The Family Preservation will also offer a summer extension for students it serves between June 10-July 25.

“We're also working on some additional enrichment programs that will be provided for elementary and middle (school) stu-dents,” she said. “Remember, a few years ago we had a history explorer camp that was part of the 21st Century program and we have a little bit of money left in that and so the middle school is working on providing history explore camp for sixth and sev-enth graders as well as some cultural experiences.”

The elementary school, Williamson also detailed, will be opening the library and the Accelerated Reader lab every Tuesday for students.

In Other News…

*The school board recognized students participating the annual SkillsUSA Virginia State Leadership and Skills Champion-ships conference held in April. Among those listed in the board packet for honors were Keiston France, who placed fifth in cab-inetmaking and millwork, Jesse Southall, third in auto servicing, and Jacob Maskal, first in electronic technology. Maskal quali-fies to attend the national SkillsUSA Leadership and Skills championships held in Kansas City in June.

*The school board, following some discussion, approved the local special education annual plan, which outlines the use of federal funds. The application is based on funding from the previous year and the school division in 2012-13 Part B, Section 611 Flow Through funding totaled $662,648 with the Part B Section 619 pre-school funding totaling $19,636. It was a reduction of $10,252 from the previous years and could change again with final approval.

The funds will be used to offset costs associated with salaries and benefits and provide training and professional development to paraprofessionals, teachers and administrators as well as for materials and supplies and purchased services in such areas as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech/language therapy, vision service, hearing impairment services and autism ser-vices.

School Board member Dr. Timothy Corbett asked about plans to identify children with disabilities. The plan outlines efforts for children ages two through 21; Dr. Corbett asked how they pick up a two-year-old. It was noted that they are either referred by a parent or the infant/toddler connection program that serves students from birth to age three.

Dr. Corbett offered that it was his feeling that they are connecting with the children with disabilities at a young enough age. The concern was that they are not identifying children until they get to ages four and five.

School officials are expected to place a notice periodically in the newspaper as well as outlining the process for referral pro-cedures and assuring physicians offices and other health providers have fliers with information on the program.

*School board members received on second reading a lengthy list of policies and revisions to the Virginia School Boards As-sociation policy manual. The adjustments are based on changes in law and regulation. The board approved the bulk of the list, but will seek clarification on a specific regulation that deals with student suspension/expulsion and the process for appeal. There were inconsistencies between the policy and the proposed regulation that clarifies the policy. (Changes made in proposed VSBA policies must be approved by the Association or they become a strictly local policy.)

*School board members were also presented as non-action items proposed changes to the code of conduct for each of the three schools.

Among the changes in the works for the elementary school is the addition of five school-wide rules: be respectful; walk qui-etly in the halls and sidewalks at all times; follow directions; keep hands, feet and objects to yourself; and keep your school clean.