Extension Offers Free Pond Workshop

Published 3:33 pm Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A free pond management workshop will be offered by Cumberland Extension on Thursday, May 30, from 9:30 am to noon. It will be held at a pond off Cooks Road located at the southern end of the Cumberland County.

Learn more about pond maintenance, pond construction, cage aquaculture, pond weeds, water quality, fish species, private owner rights, enforcement laws, and other helpful pond management tips. Feel free to bring a pond water sample for analysis and/or weed sample to identify and receive recommendations. The featured speakers will be Dr. David Crosby and Dr. Brian Nerrie from Virginia State University and Jessica Wherley with the Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries.

Please pre-register by calling the Cumberland Extension Office at 804-492-4390 or email dplumley@vt.edu. After registration, you will be given the specific directions to the pond where workshop will be held. There will be a six person minimum to hold the workshop.

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