Published 3:41 pm Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25 – “When you find yourself in deep water, trust the man who walked on water.”

Remember the Waterworks Players will be performing their musical, Sunday in the Park with George; this weekend Friday and Saturday April 26 and 27 at 8 p.m.

The Prospect Happy Hats traveled to Red Hill on April 18 where they enjoyed a guided tour of Patrick Henry's home, law office and other buildings. They later had lunch at Mimmo's in Charlotte Court House. The outing was organized by Edwina Covington the hostess for the day; those joining her were: Hilda Allen, Lois Johnson, Jeannette Tarlton, Elsie Wilson, Margaret Stockton and spouses Richard Stockton and Julian Covington.

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Mrs. Betty Noblin and her friend Mrs. Betty Mull have birthdays very close together so on Sunday their husbands, Ray Noblin and Lloyd Mull treated their wives to a Birthday supper in Lynchburg at the Outback.

Mrs. Flora Bolt visited with Mrs. Edna Woodson at Trinity Mission on Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Frances Southall granddaughter Taylor Southall met Mrs. Flora Bolt and a high school friend of Flora for lunch at Merk's Place on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bolt hosted a Sunday luncheon for Mrs. Flora Bolt, Jennifer Bolt, Chris Bolt, Ms. Deborah Warren and daughter, and Garland Woodson.

Peggy Kelsey and her twin sister, Polly Duncan celebrated their birthday over the weekend and Monday (April 22) their birthday with four parties with family. I guess if you are twins you can have it double. They received many texts and phone calls.

Mrs. Brenda Walton of Powhatan and Mrs. Pat Smith met for breakfast in Cumberland last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith attended the pancake breakfast sponsored by the Farmville Rotary Club on Saturday.

On Wednesday, Mrs. Jean Noone treated Mrs. Pat Smith to lunch at the Babcock House in Appomattox for her birthday.

On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton traveled to Charlottesville where they met with some cousins of Margaret, Mrs. Kim Mill of Leesburg, Virginia and her mother Mrs. Audena Paulson of West Chester, Pennsylvania at the Nook for lunch. Others joining them were Mrs. Rachel Pearson of Lawrenceville, Mrs. Gwen Paulson of Chester Virginia, Marsha Paulson of Richmond, Mrs. Rebecca Goin and daughter Lesley of Hixsburg, and Mrs. Jean Derrenbacker of Richmond.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fulcher visited Gloria Rosser and Robert Jenkins at the Woodlands on Sunday afternoon.

The Special Blessing Mission group of Glenn Memorial Baptist Church at Prospect, Jeannette Tarlton, Shirley Mottley, Judy Mottley, Shirley Fulcher Evelyn Shelton, Nancy Mottley, and Patsy Horne visited Ralph Hemp, Gloria Rosser and Pearlie LeGrand at the Woodlands on Monday.

Family, friends and neighbors wish a speedy recovery for those who are sick at this time Gloria Mae Fulcher Rosser and Bill Kerns.

Calvary Chapel Farmville is moving to a new location on Wednesday, May 1. The church will now be meeting at 300 Industrial Park Blvd. in the former Stackpole-Carbone building.

Services will be held each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to visit Calvary Chapel Farmville as we study each chapter of the Bible verse by verse.

Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle invites everyone to Sunday School at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Jeff Beard of Powhatan will be in the pulpit this Sunday.

The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect invites you to come and worship with them every Sunday; Sunday School is at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Katherine Todd will bring the message on Sunday.

If you would like to contribute something to the News, call 392-6431 or email to mom@moonstar.com.