Published 3:09 pm Thursday, March 21, 2013

BUCKINGHAM – Is your dog and/or cat up-to-date with their rabies vaccination? If not, on Saturday, March 23, the Buckingham County Animal Control Office and the Health Department are offering a Rabies Vaccination Clinic from 1 to 3 p.m. in the parking lot of the County Administration Complex, on Route 60.

Vaccinations, which will be administered by Dr. Elizabeth G. Hazelgrove, will cost $6 per dog or cat.

Please note that all cats must be restrained by cage or crate and owners will be responsible for their cats.

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So far this year in Buckingham County, there have been four reported animals-two skunks, one raccoon, and one fox-that tested positive for rabies in Buckingham County.

Protecting your dog or cat with the rabies vaccination may help safeguard you and your family from this dreaded disease. And it is the law-the Code of Virginia requires that the owner or custodian of all dogs and domesticated cats four months of age and older shall have them currently vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian.

Willow Branch Bluegrass Band at Sharon Baptist Church

Willow Branch Band, one of Virginia's best Bluegrass bands, will perform in concert at Sharon Baptist Church on Saturday, March 23.

The evening will begin with a Soup Supper from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by the concert from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

The evening of high-spirited bluegrass and gospel music offers a great opportunity for music lovers to hear why Willow Branch has twice been named Best Bluegrass Band by the Virginia Folk Music Association.

The show features toe-tapping bluegrass favorites, original compositions, and soul-stirring gospel music; outstanding harmony vocals complimented by banjo, fiddle, guitar, mandolin, bass fiddle, and Dobro.

Willow Branch performs extensively through Virginia and North Carolina, where they have a large and loyal following.

Gayle and Robert Noble, residents of Buckingham County, founded Willow Branch over 30 years ago, and with the band, have performed at the Grand Ole Opry's Ryman Auditorium, the Virginia Governor's Mansion, via cable and satellite to viewers of QVC television shopping network, and at a celebration honoring medal winners of the 1996 U.S. Summer Olympic Team.

Although there is no admission fee, donations will be gratefully accepted to support the Sharon Baptist Church Fellowship Hall Building Fund.

Sharon Baptist Church, is located in Buckingham County, off Route 20, on Route 622 at 1627 Sharon Church Road, which is listed as a Scottsville address. Call (434)983-3320 for more information about this fundraiser.

For more on Willow Branch, www.willowbranchbluegrass.com

Calvary's Love at First Baptist Church

On Sunday, March 24, First Baptist Church, of Dillwyn, will present the Easter musical Calvary Love during the 11 a.m. worship service.

The program will also be presented as part of the Good Friday service at First Baptist on March 29, at 7 p.m.

“Everyone is invited to join us in commemorating the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus,” shared a spokesperson.

First Baptist Church, of Dillwyn, is located on Route 15, in the Town of Dillwyn.

4-H Learn by Doing

On Fridays March 22, and April 12 and 19, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., youth ages five through 13 have the opportunity to Learn by Doing at the Buckingham Agricultural Center.

Learn by Doing is a hands-on program affording youth an opportunity to develop self-discipline while making various take-home projects. The Learn by Doing projects include basket weaving, making art with paper, creating a tote, and other fun activities.

Registration is available by contacting the Buckingham Extension Office at 969-4261; or email rclaboug@vt.edu.

Easter Break Field Day

Here's a great way for kids ages five through 13 to spend a day of their Easter Break. Buckingham 4-H and the Buckingham Extension Office are hosting an Easter Break Field Day on Tuesday, April 2, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Plans call for a fun-filled day of winning prizes and making sports-like crafts with activities both inside and outside. Cost is $15 per child. Please note that participants must bring their lunch. For more information and registration call (434)969-4261, or email rclaboug@vt.edu.

Pre-School Between the Pages

If you are the parent of a child who will be entering kindergarten in the fall, here's a great opportunity to help with that transition.

On Thursdays, March 28, April 11 and 18, after school, the Buckingham Extension Office is offering Pre-School between the Pages at Buckingham Preschool.

4-H between the Pages includes story-time along with a craft and game related to the book that is read, and a snack. Participants will also receive a take-home book each session to add to their home library. Cost for the three sessions is $10.

For more information and registration, call the Buckingham Extension Office at 969-4261.

Wills, Living Trusts, Estate and Long-Term Care Planning

On Tuesday, March 26, a program on Wills, Living Trusts, Estate and Long-Term Care Planning will be offered at the Buckingham Extension Office.

Featured speakers include James P. Seidl, Estate and Tax Planning Attorney; and David Wise, Licensed Insurance Broker, CLTC (Certified Long Term Care).

To better accommodate schedules, two sessions are available. The first session is from 3 to 5 p.m.; and the second from 7 to 9 p.m.

Register by calling David Wise's office at (434)983-8780, ext. 1; or, the Buckingham Extension Office at 969-4261. Please note your choice of seminar times.

Red Cross Blood Drive

On Wednesday, March 27, the American Red Cross will be at Heritage Hall from 12 noon to 6 p.m., for a blood drive. This visit is sponsored by the 17th District Masonic Lodges.

During its Building a Better Blood Supply campaign, the Red Cross is automatically entering anyone who donates blood between January 1 and March 31, in a drawing to win a $1,000 gift card from a home improvement store.

Of course, all who donate are winners because of their commitment to giving the Gift of Life to others.

Easter Activities

On March 29, at 7 p.m., Centenary United Methodist Church will hold a Good Friday Service.

Then, on Saturday, March 30, at 2 p.m., right after the Easter Bunny makes a trial run down the bunny trail, the church will host its annual Easter Egg Hunt. After the hunt, refreshments will be served

Easter Sunday Service will be at 11 a.m. on March 31.

The Centenary UMC family welcomes you to join with them for the observance of Good Friday; a hopping good time hunting Easter eggs on Saturday; and rejoicing in the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Centenary UMC is located on Route 20, at 12247 S Constitution Route. For additional information, please call (434) 286-3379.

Super Bake Sale

Just in time for your Easter Dinner, the Dillwyn Committee of the Buckingham Chamber of Commerce is having its Super Bake Sale on Saturday, March 30, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Farmer's Foods.

The inventory will feature rolls, cakes, pies and other delicious treats for the Easter Holiday.

Proceeds will be used in the Town of Dillwyn for beautification efforts and improvements.

Sunrise Service at Mourners Valley

Mourners Valley Baptist Church is hosting an Easter Sunrise Service at the church on Sunday, March 31, at 6 a.m.

The church's pastor, the Reverend Charles E. Simms will share God's Word and the church's combined choir ministry will serve.

After the service, breakfast will be shared.

Everyone is invited. Mourners Valley Baptist Church is located on Route 20 at 5341 South Constitution Route.

Easter at Cedar Baptist

Cedar Baptist Church, located at 3932 Bell Road, in Dillwyn, invites everyone to its Good Friday Service, which will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 29.

The church is also hosting an Easter Egg Hunt at the church on Saturday, March 30, at 11 a.m. Kids of all ages are welcome to join in for fun activities, egg hunting, and lunch.

On Easter Sunday, March 31, Cedar Baptist will continue its tradition of celebrating the Resurrection with a Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m.

After the service, breakfast will be shared. Then, at 8 a.m., a morning worship service is planned.

Please note that on Easter Sunday, the church will not meet for Sunday School or the 11 a.m. Worship Service.

Cash Bingo at DVFD

On Friday, April 5, it's Cash Bingo time at the Dillwyn Volunteer Fire Department.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the games begin at 7 p.m. Don't worry about dinner because you'll be able to purchase some great eats at the firehouse.

This night of Cash Bingo will feature new games, speed round, and a mystery payout game.

FOL Book and Bake Sale

Here's one for everyone because we all like to eat and/or read, don't we?

The Buckingham Friends of the Library are gearing up for their spring Book and Bake Sale, scheduled for Saturday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the VFW Hall on Route 60.

In addition to the books and baked goods, the FOL will also be conducting a silent auction on the day of the sale. Thus far, items include a tour, dinner gift card, exercise equipment, and a bread maker.

Not only is this a great time to purchase books and chow down on some delicious baked goods, but it's also a perfect time to purge your personal collection of books, CDs and DVDs.

Donations of books, CDs and DVDs may be dropped-off at the VFW Hall on Friday, April 5, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. If you have questions or need more information, call Linda at (434)983-7026.

Spring Cleaning

As you gear-up for that spring cleaning, keep in mind that Arvonia Volunteer Fire Department is eagerly accepting items for its Spring Auction, which will be held on Saturday, April 6, at the Arvonia Fire Station located in Arvonia at 341 Arvon Road. The auction begins at 10 a.m. and food will be available.

Thus far, the inventory includes new and used toys, new and used tools, seasonal items, antique furniture, lamps, numerous boxes and contents, books, and lots of miscellaneous items.

Donations of items for the auction will be accepted until the morning of the auction. Items may be dropped off at the Arvonia Firehouse. Please place items in the storage building next to the main truck building or call any Arvonia firefighter to arrange for pickup. Don't know one? Then, call Steve Toney at (434)581-3002.

Carter G. Woodson High School Reunion

If you attended Carter G. Woodson High School, here's an event you won't want to miss.

The 2013 Reunion for Carter G. Woodson High School is scheduled for July 5, 6, and 7, at Ellis Acres Memorial Park, the site of the historic Buckingham Training School Campus.

“An exciting time is planned for this three-day casual outdoor affair,” shared a spokesperson.

Cost for the three-day event is $75 per adult; and $15 for youth ages six through 13. Children five years and under will be admitted free.

If you are interested in attending or need more information, contact Edmonia at (434)581-1847.