10K Run/5K Walk To Kick Off HOV Festival

Published 3:16 pm Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It's time to start training for the annual 10K Run and 5K Walk that opens the Heart of Virginia Festival on Saturday, May 4.

A feature of the festival since 1993, both the race and walk begin at 8:30 a.m. The 10K race starts at Hampden-Sydney College near the intersection of College Road and Via Sacra and follows a mostly flat, fast course along the Back Hampden-Sydney Road to the finish at First Avenue Field in Farmville. Timing and scoring of the 10K will be provided. Medals will be presented to the top three overall male and female finishers and top finishers in each age category that participate in the 10K. Categories for men and women include: 18 and under, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 and over.

The 5K fun walk race is open to all ages. Participants will be shuttled from Hampden-Sydney College to their start line and will follow Back Hampden-Sydney Road to the finish at First Avenue Filed. Transportation will be available to Hampden-Sydney College (start line) from 7:30-8:00 a.m. (before the event only) for those who would like to leave a car can at the finish line, at First Avenue Field.

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Entry fees for the event are $20 if paid by April 19 and $25 if paid after April 19. These fees are non-refundable. T-shirts are guaranteed to the first 150 entrants.

This year's race and walk is being overseen by the Town of Farmville Recreation Department. For an entry form or more information please contact the Recreation Department at (434) 392-8465 or email cbolt@farmvilleva.com. The entry form and other information on this event and the entire festival are also available at www.heartofvirginiafestival.org. You may also register online at www.raceit.com.

The Heart of Virginia Festival is an annual family-oriented celebration of the arts, crafts, culture, and music in Virginia. The festival is held every year on first Saturday in May in Farmville. This year the festival is celebrating its 35th year of existence. Come and join in the festivities.