Mable Shanaberger Is Praised

Published 2:42 pm Thursday, February 21, 2013

Editor, The Herald:

I would like to thank Mrs. Mable Shanaberger for the many years she served as Treasurer. She has been nice to me when I could not pay any or all of my taxes by allowing me time to pay and then make payments on the taxes. She always had time to chat with me when I came into the office. I have known the Shanabergers for a long time. I used to be a customer at Shanaberger and Sons and then at the Treasurers office. She is a fine lady and I am so sorry that she is ill. I wish her a speedy recovery and all the best wishes. Whatever she does in her retirement I know will be the better after having her help out with it. Mable, you will be sorely missed at the Treasurers Office. I hope our paths cross again in the future. I may not be currently living in Prince Edward but plan to return home in 2014. Then I hope to see you around somewhere. Good luck and may God Bless you always.

Jeff Haga

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