Tuggle News

Published 3:02 pm Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3 – “When you throw out the Christmas tree, be careful not to throw out the Christmas spirit with it.”

I wish for you a very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Safe 2013. May we all work together to make this a better world for everyone.

Phil Kelsey from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and his mother, Peggy Kelsey attended the Christmas Open House at Middlecourt, home of President and Mrs. Christopher Howard at Hampden Sydney on Dec. 21. Julie Shield also accompanied them.

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Tuesday, Jan. 1, Brianna, Charles and Christina Smith spent the night at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith. Early Wednesday they picked up their cousin Jeffrey Sharpe and drove to Unionville to visit with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Keaveny. That afternoon they then drove to Stafford to see Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Dolores Smith.

Brianna, Charles and Christina Smith and Jeffrey Sharpe spent Friday night at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith. Friday evening and Saturday morning they baked cookies to give as Christmas gifts for their parents and great grandparents.

Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith attended the Appomattox River Christmas dinner held at Texas de Brazil in Short Pump.

Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith attended the special Christmas Eve program at Calvary Chapel Farmville. Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Smith had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Utzinger. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Noone and Mr. and Mrs. Al Quinlin and daughter, Jessica.

This Friday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith (Dianna) and their children Brianna, Charles and Christina of Keysville and Mrs. Emma Smith Sharpe and son Jeffrey of Arvonia all gathered at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith for a family holiday meal and gift exchange.

Mary Kay and Averette Simpson, David Simpson, and Doyne Simpson attended the funeral Service for Luke McCloud Shirley, infant son of Rob and Sara Shirley in Staunton on Thursday. Also attending were Mike and Kim Shumaker, Debra Sue and Darrell, and Peggy Kelsey. Another relative, Dr. J.P. Neathawk, from Salem joined them there.

Donald Meadows enjoyed Christmas morning breakfast with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fulcher entertained 18 for Christmas dinner. Everyone enjoyed themselves.

Mr. and Mrs. David Noblin, Brady and Allie of Chesapeake visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Noblin December 27-29.

The Arrington Family held their Christmas lunch Dec. 30 at the Pamplin Fire House.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows spent Christmas day with their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Shotwell, Josh, Zack and Kate in Richmond; also celebrating with the Shotwell's were Andy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Shotwell and Erin a friend of Zack Shotwell.

The Stockton families have had a very busy couple of weeks. They started by celebrating Sean's birthday Dec. 17, then they spent Christmas day together celebrating Christmas followed by Richard and Margaret celebrating their 52nd anniversary Dec. 26 and Lon and Mary Jo celebrating their 18th anniversary Dec. 29.

On Sunday Dec. 23, Mr. and Mrs. William Amos entertained family and friends for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. William Amos, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smelcer, and Mrs. Hazel Baldwin were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Newcomb and Travis.

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Shotwell and Kate visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fulcher were Christmas Eve dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Fulcher and children; also Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fulcher and family were guests.

Mrs. Hilda Allen returned home Dec. 29 following a week's visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Justus and Jacob in Damascus. The Justus family came Dec. 29 and returned home on Jan. 1.

Mrs. Flora Bolt and all her family met for lunch on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bolt. There were about 25 present. Following lunch they exchanged and opened their gifts. They all had a very good time.

Mrs. Flora Bolt visited shut-ins at Brookview on Dec. 24, those visited were; Margaret Banko, Page Johnson, Dot Shumaker, Ruth Southall and Grace Taylor; later she visited Mrs. Edna Woodson at Trinity Missions. Also visiting Mrs. Woodson was her husband, William.

“Special Blessings” members, Shirley Fulcher, Shirley Mottley, Evenly Shelton, Nancy Mottley, Judy Mottley, and Jeannette Tarlton toured the PACE Center. The PACE center is a place where seniors can go for the day.

Neighbors, family and friends are praying for a speedy recovery for those that

are sick at this time; Howard Campbell, Daphne Agee, Don and Betty Meadows, Mike Fulcher, Nancy Dickerson and Bobbie Leatherwood.

Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle invites everyone to Sunday School at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Chuck Klotzberger will be in the pulpit this Sunday.

The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect invites you to come and worship with them every Sunday; Sunday School is at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Katherine Todd will be with them this week, they will be celebrating Holy Communion.

Calvary Chapel-Farmville invites you to worship with them on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. They invite you to join them each week on Wednesday evening for Bible Study for all age groups at 7 p,m. Calvary Chapel-Farmville is located at 45 Simpson Road in Prospect, two miles west of Dowdy's Corner just off of US 460.

Happy Birthday is wished to all those celebrating January birthdays. Your flower is the Carnation and your Birthday stone is the Garnet. Those I know of with January birthdays are: Elizabeth Bowles (1), Brad Watson (1), Cannon Watson (1), Susan Campbell (2), Shirley Mottley (2), Darin Thomas 94), Willie Hamlett (4), Tony Boyce (5), Averette Simpson, Jr. (6); Joyce Fore (8); Lucy Booth Aiken (9); Lloyd Mull (10); Michelle Dalton(10); Ray Noblin (13); Wilkie Chaffin (14); Rita Reynolds (14); Fred Floyd (15); Jonathan Derrenbacker of Richmond (15); Rita Lawhorne (15); Elsie Fulcher (15); Carol Ann Reynolds (15); Gertrude Stiff (18); Shirley Richardson of Pamplin (22); Dennis Merkle, Jr. (23); Judy Philbrook (27) and Andrea Garrett (28).

Happy Anniversary is wished to all those celebrating during January. Those I know about are: Lindy and Wanda Hamlett (19); T.J. and Elsie Fulcher (27); and Raymond and Nancy Dickerson (28).

If you would like to contribute something to the News, call 392-6431 or email to mom@moonstar.com.