Trent's Mill News

Published 3:23 pm Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10 – Happy Birthday wishes go out this week to Sandy Sullivan, of Cumberland, celebrating on Sunday, January 13; Margaret Cole, of Cumberland, celebrating on Monday, January 14; and Anita Ford, of Appomattox, celebrating on Thursday, January 17.

Claire Landis, of Farmville, visited in the home of Ruby Cogdill in Cumberland on Monday, January 7.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who are sick and shut-in.

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Congratulations to Ralph and Fern Dunnavant, of Dillwyn. The couple will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Saturday, January 12.

Thought for the Day: We don't need to put or house in order before Jesus comes in; He puts it in order after we let Him in.

Maranatha Baptist Church, located on Tuggle Road in Farmville, will host special services on January 20.

At 10:30 a.m. all are invited to enjoy a concert presented by the Fork Union Military Academy Men's Choir.

The 11 a.m. worship service will begin with more special music from the guest choir followed by the morning message from guest Fork Union Military Academy Chaplain James Benson. A love offering will be received. Following the services there will be a soup and grilled cheese lunch in the church fellowship hall. Pastor Steve Conwell and the congregation of Maranatha cordially invite all to attend.

For further information, contact the church office at 434-392-6679 or the pastor's home at 434-392-8009.

The Buckingham County Christian Fellowship Association, a non-profit organization, will be entering into their 25th year (silver anniversary) as a group. The group will meet on Saturday, January 12 at 1 p.m. at Welcome Wesleyan Church in New Canton, located on U.S. Route 15 North of Dillwyn. It will be the groups kick off meeting and membership drive for the year. All former members and prospective members are asked to attend. All who plant to attend please bring a covered dish with vegetables, casserole or dessert. For further information or to learn about our group, contact President Barry Miles at 804-492-5806 or cell 434-315-4181.

The Arvonia Christian Fellowship Church Thrift Store, located off of U.S. Route 15 North of Dillwyn on Circle Drive in Arvonia is open every Thursday through Saturday 10 a.m. til 4 p.m. All proceeds from the thrift store are used to help individuals and families in their hour of need. For further information contact the Thrift Store during working hours at 434-581-2474.