Vote For Freedom And Change
Published 3:56 pm Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Editor, The Herald:
The time is late, the mission is crucial, and if we Americans fail to change course, the disastrous outcome is certain. Another term, such as the last four years, will take us, as a nation and a people, over the fiscal cliff. Unfortunately, for many years, both political parties, Democrats and Republicans, have failed to make the hard decisions and have failed to be completely honest with all citizens of this great country.
There has been no lock box for Social Security and there is no money inside this imaginary secure location. More money is being paid out than is coming in. The credit rating of the U.S. has been downgraded from the top rating of a Triple (AAA) to that of a two or below. Not only does this lower rating limit the country's ability to borrow, but it causes the interest rates to rise. We are now in such an economic state that the economy of a small country as Greece can threaten our stock market, our retirement, the value of the dollar (down approximately 40%) and our economic well being. Past policies, including the borrowing and the lending and spending of money that we do not have, have contributed to bringing us to the “edge.”
It is true that the present president and his administration have been the worst in the history of our Republic. Our government is that of a representative republic, not a democracy. Our Constitution and our Bill of Rights are to protect us, as citizens, from overzealous government officials, and corrupt individuals, who would deny us our choices and our will to pursue happiness. We are not granted freedom by our elected officials for we, as created beings, are granted our free will by our Creator. Only Socialists, Marxists, Communists, and such failed concepts of governmental ideologies, attempt to decide for the people their opportunities and their choices. In America, the great leader of the free world, we, the individual, decide for ourselves.
Study your history, go online, and research the great nations that came before us. Why did they fail? I believe that you will find that they failed for the very same reasons that we, as a nation, are failing. Ask yourself, when did our present president and his administration, tell you the truth? Gas and fuel prices are up because of a “strong economy?”(Not a weak dollar?) This is what we were told during the second presidential debate. The Middle East crises including Egypt and Libya, and other nations with high Moslem populations, being turned into anti-democratic and anti-American bastions of radicalism yet this administration blames it on a video? Our own government apologizes for our nation, repeatedly, and does not really defend our Constitution and our rights, as free speech? Remember when President Kennedy spoke to us honestly about the Cuban missile crisis and the need to lower taxes to spur on the economy?
Please, let us, all of us, change this failed presidency that we have had for the last four years. We, our children, our economy, and our nation, cannot stand another four years of such misguided policies. Please vote this November for freedom and change.
Gary G. Barton