Public Notice
Published 4:35 pm Thursday, September 27, 2012
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The Farmville Herald
PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment on a draft permit modification from the Department of Environmental Quality that will allow construction of two dams and a reservoir on Cobbs Creek; the withdrawal of surface water from the James River; and the fill, excavation, inundation, and dredging of wetlands and streams for the Cobbs Creek Reservoir project in Cumberland County, Virginia.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: For 30 days, starting from the day after the notice is in the newspaper.
PERMIT NAME: Virginia Water Protection Permit issued by DEQ, under the authority of the State Water Control Board.
APPLICANT NAME, ADDRESS AND PERMIT NUMBER: Henrico County, P.O. Box 90775, Henrico, Virginia 23273-0775. VWP Permit Modification Number 05-0852.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Henrico County has applied for a permit modification for the Cobbs Creek Reservoir project in Cumberland County, in the northwestern quadrant of the County, west and north of Columbia Road and southwest of the Town of Columbia. The permit modification will revise the existing permit issued in 2007 to allow the applicant to revise the James River intake design; impact additional wetlands and streams; install a temporary coffer dam in the James River; relocate underground and aboveground utility lines; install additional utility lines; develop reservoir buffer management plan; implement a low-flow augmentation release schedule; conduct mussel surveys; stabilize reservoir banks; and provide stream buffer enhancement as part of the compensatory mitigation plan. The proposed modification also further limits the times of year when construction in the James River may occur. 80,963 linear feet of stream, 30.99 acres of wetlands, and 4.60 acres of open water will be permanently impacted. 1,924 linear feet of tributary stream, 0.17 of an acre of wetlands, and 25,000 square feet of streambed in the James River will be temporarily impacted. DEQ's preliminary decision is to approve the permit modification.
HOW TO COMMENT AND/OR REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING: DEQ accepts comments and requests for public hearing by e-mail, fax, or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. Submittals must include the names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester. A request for public hearing must also include: 1) The reason why a public hearing is requested; 2) A brief, informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester or of those represented by the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit modification; and 3) Specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. A public hearing may be held, including another comment period, if public response is significant, based on individual requests for a public hearing, and if there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit.
CONTACT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS, DOCUMENT REQUESTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Brenda Winn, DEQ, Office of Water Supply, POB 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone: (804) 698-4516; email:; fax: (804) 698-4032. Street address for private carrier deliveries: DEQ, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219. The public may review the draft permit modification and request for modification at the DEQ office named above by appointment.