Buckingham News
Published 3:31 pm Thursday, September 6, 2012
BUCKINGHAM – Spreading God's Gifts is hosting a Baked Goods Auction and Song Concert on Saturday, September 8, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Buckingham County Middle School.
Bill Talbert, of Francisco Auction Company, will serve as auctioneer for an array of homemade baked goods prepared by some of the county's best cooks.
Music will feature Keith Jones and Friends, of Chesapeake.
Admission is by donation to Spreading God's Gifts, a non-profit, interdenominational Christian organization with the mission of making a difference in the lives of those in need in this community.
On Sunday, September 9, it's Chicken BBQ Time at Glenmore Volunteer Fire Department.
For an $8 per plate donation to the Glenmore VFD, you'll receive half a barbecued chicken, two sides, dessert, bread, and beverage.
Chicken will be ready at 12 noon. You'll be able to dine-in at the firehouse, which is now air-conditioned, or you can have your orders prepared for take-out.
To pre-order on the day of the BBQ, call the firehouse's non-emergency number at 969-2317, after 10 a.m.
Along with the great barbecued chicken, you'll also be able to purchase some beautiful locally grown mums generously supplied by the Kingsland Greenhouse on Route 20. Mums will be available for a $5 donation.
The Glenmore Volunteer Firehouse is located on Route 740, Firehouse Road, near the intersection of Route 602 and 655.
Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 9, beginning at 11 a.m. with worship led by the church's pastor, the Reverend Don Moore.
After the worship service, a fellowship luncheon will be shared on the grounds.
Homecoming ushers in three nights of revival, Monday, September 10 through Wednesday, September 12, at 7:30 p.m. each evening.
The Reverend Larry Mann, of Appomattox, will be the featured speaker for revival. Special music includes Second Time Around on Monday night; Worm Patterson and All Problems Solved on Tuesday; and Spiritual Echoes on Wednesday.
Pastor Moore and the Mt. Tabor Family invite you to join with them for the fellowship of Homecoming on Sunday, September 9, and the renewal of Revival, September 10 through 12. Mt. Tabor UMC is located on Route 56, James River Highway.
Arvon Baptist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 9, beginning at 11 a.m. with worship. Reverend Jimmy Dunn will be the guest speaker for the homecoming service; and, special music is planned.
After worship, the traditional homecoming luncheon will be shared.
“We look forward to a great day of worship, fellowship, and food,” shared a spokesperson.
Arvon Baptist Church is located on Route 15. For more information, call 581-3070, 581-3916, or 581-3757.
The Buckingham Chamber of Commerce is continuing its tradition of sponsoring the Best Grandma and Best Grandpa Contest. Deadline for accepting nomination letters or forms is Friday, October 5. Winners will be announced at the Historic Village during the Fall Farm Fest on October 13.
Grandparents must be residents of Buckingham County. However, grandchildren may reside outside of the county.
The nomination process involves writing a one-page letter stating why the grandchild feels his or her grandparent is the best. Or, a nomination form is available at Moss Motor Company and the Buckingham Public Library.
Send entries to Buckingham Chamber of Commerce, P. O. Box 951, Dillwyn, VA 23936.
The Auxiliary for the Arvonia Volunteer Fire Department is hosting Henn Bingo on Friday, September 14, at the firehouse.
Tickets are $20 and may be purchased in advance from any auxiliary member; or, tickets will be available at the door.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 16. The day will begin at 10:30 a.m. with the Homecoming Worship Service, which will be led by the Reverend Halley Willcox.
After worship, the traditional homecoming luncheon will be served in the fellowship hall.
Everyone is invited to share in the fellowship of coming home to Emmanuel Episcopal Church. The church is located in Glenmore on Route 602, at 7825 Howardsville Road.
Mt. Zion Baptist Church is hosting its Fall Festival on Saturday, September 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. And, it's free.
This great day will include music by Shiloh and Amaris, Willow Branch Bluegrass Gospel, and Jollett Lane Bluegrass Band.
Along with the Noah's Ark Bounce House and Slide for the little ones, adults and kids can take a turn at the Velcro Wall and Bungee Run.
Other activities will include face painting, pumpkin painting, hayrides, car show, puppet shows, bingo, cakewalks, family photos, corn hole, and games with prizes. And, there will be raffles and a clown who makes balloon art.
Cotton candy, sno-cones, popcorn, hot dogs, and beverages will be provided.
The Mt. Zion Baptist Church family invites you and your family to join with them as they celebrate the fall season and God's many blessings.
Mt. Zion Baptist Church is located on Route 610 at 6727 Cartersville Road in New Canton.
On Thursday, September 20, the Woman's Club of Buckingham County will welcome its current members as well as prospective members with a Tea at the Buckingham Arts Center, located on Route 60, in the Village of Buckingham Court House.
This get-together not only affords the perfect opportunity for new county residents to meet members of the WCBC and become acquainted with the club's good works but it also offers current members a time to catch-up with one another after the summer break.
Since 1954, the WCBC has served this community. Thousands of hours of service along with proceeds from fundraisers have helped provide scholarships for area students, support for the Buckingham Arts Center, and promotion of the arts within Buckingham County Public Schools.
Additionally, the WCBC actively supports and participates in recycling and conservation activities; contributes to Ellis Acres Memorial Park, the Hatton Ferry, the Buckingham Public Library, and other projects touching the lives of all residents of the county.
A highlight of the club year is the annual Curious Corner Store, held at the VFW Hall for one week each fall. The Curious Corner Store, which is the WCBC's only fund raising activity, features an inventory of great bargains including used clothing, cookware, books, toys, records, and other miscellaneous items.
During the operation of the Curious Corner Store, the WCBC also conducts a raffle for a number of great prizes; takes orders for live Christmas wreaths; and sells RADA knives and Georgia pecans.
The Curious Corner Store also features baked goods and a homemade lunch prepared each day by WCBC members.
During the club year, which excludes June, July and August, WCBC members meet socially at noon on the second Thursday of the month for lunch at a local restaurant.
The regular monthly meeting is held on the third Thursday, at 2 p.m., at the Arts Center. Membership is open to county residents interested in contributing to the quality of life for this community; and, not incidentally, having a lot of fun in the process.
Information about the Tea and/or WCBC membership is available by calling Mary Lohr at (434)969-2888; or, the club's president Jackie Fairbarns at (434)969-4189.
On Saturday, October 6, Central Virginia Christian School is hosting a fundraiser for its building fund. The fundraiser will feature a Motorcycle Ride, Gospel Concert, and food.
The motorcycle ride will begin with registration at 9:15 a.m. Riders will leave the school's parking lot at 10 a.m. Registration fee for the ride is $15 for bike and driver and $5 for passengers. The ride will be approximately 85 miles.
After the ride, a Gospel Concert is planned. Beginning at 2:30 p.m. the line-up includes Mark Waldrop, Al Gough, Carl Burnmaster, James River Cut-Ups, Barry Snoddy, and Smokey Wilson.
Advance tickets for the concert are $8 for adults; $5 for children ages four through 12. On the day of the event, tickets for adults will be $10. Admission for children will remain at $5. Children three and under will be admitted free.
Breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase at the school. Beginning at 2 p.m., a BBQ platter lunch/dinner will be available for $8 per meal.
All proceeds will benefit the CVCS Building Fund. For more information, advance tickets and/or registration for the bike ride, contact Christy Pribble, chairperson, at 434-581-3887 or 434-392-7978.
Gearing up to serve this community and beyond, the Central Virginia Humane Society and SPCA is hard at work to renovate the old Beath Animal Shelter so it can begin its mission of rescuing animals, getting them healthy and socialized, and adopting them to caring homes or transporting them to other areas for adoption.
To help raise much-needed funds to bring their vision to reality, organizers are planning a Garage Sale on Saturday, September 22, from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., at the Beath Animal Shelter.
Anyone with items they would like to donate for this sale is encouraged to bring them to the Beath Animal Shelter on any day between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. If no one is at the shelter, please place the items by the gate.
On the same day as the Garage Sale, the Central Virginia Humane Society and SPCA will offer a Rabies Vaccination Clinic. Dr. Powell Anderson will be the attending veterinarian. Rabies vaccinations will be available for $9 each. If your cat or dog has previously received a rabies vaccination, please bring that vaccination certificate to verify that a three-year vaccination is in order.
The Central Virginia Humane Society and SPCA is located at 899 Buffalo Road, off Route 20 on Route 631, across from the horse farm. Please note that due to the needed renovations at the shelter, the organization is unable to accept animals at this time unless foster families are available.
For more information on the garage sale, vaccination clinic, fostering, or becoming a member of this worthy organization, call (434)983-7387.
The September Hunter Education Class will be held at James River State Park in the Visitor's Center on Friday, September 21, from 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturday, September 22 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Students may register at www.huntfishva.com or by calling 1-888-516-0844. Students 14 years of age and younger must have a parent or guardian with them throughout the class. Please note that participants will need to bring lunch and beverage on Saturday.
Those interested in camping at James River State Park while attending the class may contact the park for fees and reservations.
On Thursday, September 20, Historic Buckingham, Inc. will host its annual fall meeting and Brunswick stew at the Historic Village at Lee Wayside. Cost of the meal is $5 and includes stew, bread, dessert and beverage.
During dinner, Sean Fir, a local Irish duo, will perform. A brief business meeting will be held after dinner.