Abilene News
Published 2:35 pm Thursday, September 13, 2012
September 13 – What a blessed relief these past few days of cooler weather has been. And the rain has been most welcome.
If fall arrives on schedule-the 22nd-we are in for some very pleasant days and nights. When summer arrived-on June 20th-it was like someone flipped a switch from nice to nasty almost over night.
If any of you were outside on Sunday afternoon, September 2nd, you might have heard something that sounded like a cannon. It was not a cannon- but close. Lightning struck a large tree next to my house. A large chunk of it fell across the power line to my house so I was without electricity for a few hours. However, Southside Electric responded in a timely manner – even though it was a Sunday over the long Labor Day weekend. Kudos to SEC.
Each day, I find something else that doesn't work-garage door opener, internet hook-up, dryer, TVs, porch lights, etc.
The Abilene Homemakers Club will hold their regularly scheduled meeting at 1 p.m. Tues., Sep 18th, at the Abilene Community Center. Quilt Raffle tickets are now available from members of the Club. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Nancy Nelson at 223-8346 or me at 223-2271. Proceeds of the raffle are used to support our ongoing community outreach programs.
The Farmville-Prince Edward Historical Society will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Train Station. Visitors are always welcome.
On Saturday, September 15th, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Beulah United Methodist Church Women are sponsoring an “Everything Free Day” at the Abilene Community Center. There will be a little bit of everything available-free. There will also be a food sale with the proceeds going to benefit local families in need.
Parents are reminded that Sep. 20th is the end of the 1st six weeks of school and there will be early dismissal for students at 12:30 p.m.
Birthday greetings go out to Frances Moore who celebrated on the 13th, Rhonda Adams who will celebrate on the 22nd, and Bill Bagby on the 25th.
If you have any news or announcements that you would like me to include in this column, please call me at 223-2271 or e-mail me at kz5ro@kinex.net.