Buckingham News
Published 2:21 pm Thursday, August 30, 2012
BUCKINGHAM – If you are planning to go sale-ing on Saturday, here's a yard sale you need to put on your “To Do” list.
The Curdsville Community Center is hosting a multi-yard sale from 8 a.m. to noon. Bargains galore are in store so you'll want to make this one of your first stops.
Likewise, if you are looking for a place to sell all that stuff you'd like to get rid of-here's your chance. Space is still available by calling Marie Flowers at 315-0152, or Bettie Bass at 392-8360. Ten dollars reserves your spot. Please be at the community center by 7:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.
The Curdsville Community Center is conveniently located just off Route 15, on Route 633, School Rd.
On Saturday, September 1, Smyrna United Methodist Church is hosting a Labor Day Celebration beginning at 3 p.m. at the church.
The afternoon begins with games at 3 p.m., food at 5 p.m., and music by Angel Spencer at 6 p.m.
This free event is open to everyone-all ages. So gather up the family and invite your friends and neighbors. And, you might want to bring a few camp/lawn chairs.
Smyrna UMC is located on Rt. 15, north of Sheppards, at 3377 James Madison Highway. For more information, call Pastor John Flood at (434)574-4847, or Phyllis Goin at (434)574-2680.
Heartland Outreach Ministries is hosting its first annual Cruise-In on September 1, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at Millbrook Country Corner.
Trophies will be awarded in the various classes. Registration fee for vehicles is $15.
The event will also include 50/50, prize drawings, and a raffle for a Camo Browning 12 gauge auto shot gun. Of course, food and refreshments will be available.
Millbrook Country Corner is located at 3633 S. James Madison Highway, on Route 15 at its intersection with Route 636.
The Arvonia Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual Labor Day Barbecue on Sunday, September 2, at the firehouse. BBQ will be ready at 2 p.m.
For a donation of $8, you'll get one-half barbecue chicken, Cole slaw, baked beans, roll, dessert, and beverage.
Meals will be available for take out or you can enjoy your meal at the firehouse.
AVFD expresses its appreciation for your continued support of its barbecues. And, I'm sure you'll agree with me, we SOOO appreciate their efforts.
Rocky Mount United Methodist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 2.
The day will begin with Sunday school at 10 a.m. At 11:15, the Reverend Bob Jennings, new pastor for the Buckingham UMC Charge, which includes Rocky Mount, will lead the Homecoming worship service.
After worship, a covered dish lunch will be shared. Then, at 2 p.m., an afternoon song service will feature Tommy Moore and Second Time Around.
Beginning on Monday, September 3 through Friday, September 7, Rocky Mount will host revival services at 7 p.m. each evening. The Reverend Rick Bucher, of Thomas Chapel UMC in Cartersville, will be the featured speaker for revival.
Music will include Dillwyn's First Baptist Church Choir and Cody Moss on Monday, Smokey Wilson on Tuesday, Browns Chapel UMC Choir and Red Clay on Wednesday, the Ownby Trio on Thursday, and the Gospel Time Trio on Friday.
Pastor Jennings and the Rocky Mount UMC Family invite you to join with them for Homecoming and Revival. Rocky Mount UMC is located off Route 15 at 236 Rocky Mount Road.
Centenary United Methodist Church will celebrate Homecoming on Sunday, September 2, at 11 am, with the Reverend Doug Paysour delivering the message. A children's church will be provided.
Immediately following the worship service, a covered dish luncheon will be shared in the fellowship hall.
After lunch, at 1:30 p.m., a time of special music is planned featuring the Reverend Maynard Jones and the Jones Family.
Revival services will be held Monday, September 3, through Thursday, September 6, at 7:30 each evening. The Reverend Brant Hays will be delivering the message each night. Revival services include special music and a children's church.
Pastor Hays and the Centenary UMC family invite everyone to share with them in the joy and fellowship of Homecoming and the renewal of Revival.
Centenary UMC is located on Route 20 at 12247 S. Constitution Route. For more information, call (434) 286-3379.
Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 9, beginning with worship at 11 a.m., led by the church's pastor, the Reverend Don Moore.
After the worship service, a fellowship luncheon will be shared on the grounds.
Homecoming ushers in three nights of revival, Monday, September 10 through Wednesday, September 12, at 7:30 p.m. each evening.
The Reverend Larry Mann, of Appomattox, will be the featured speaker for revival. Special music includes Second Time Around on Monday night; Worm Patterson and All Problems Solved on Tuesday; and Spiritual Echoes on Wednesday.
Pastor Moore and the Mt. Tabor Family invite you to join with them for the fellowship of Homecoming on Sunday, September 9, and the renewal of Revival, September 10 through 12. Mt. Tabor UMC is located on Route 56, James River Highway.
Arvon Baptist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 9, beginning at 11 a.m. with worship. Reverend Jimmy Dunn will be the guest speaker for the homecoming service; and, special music is planned.
After worship, the traditional Homecoming with Dinner on the Grounds will be shared.
“We look forward to a great day of worship, fellowship, and food,” shared a spokesperson.
Arvon Baptist Church is located on Route 15. For more information, call 581-3070, 581-3916, or 581-3757.
On Sunday, September 9, it's Chicken BBQ Time at Glenmore Volunteer Fire Department.
For an $8 per plate donation to the Glenmore VFD, you'll receive half a BBQ chicken, two sides, dessert, bread, and beverage.
Chicken will be ready at 12 noon. You'll be able to dine-in at the firehouse, which is now air-conditioned, or you can have your orders prepared for take-out.
To pre-order on the day of the BBQ, call the firehouse's non-emergency number at 969-2317 (after 10 a.m.).
Along with the great barbecued chicken, you'll also be able to purchase some beautiful locally grown mums generously supplied by the Kingsland Greenhouse on Route 20. Mums will be available for a $5 donation.
The Glenmore Volunteer Firehouse is located on Route 740, Firehouse Road, near the intersection of Route 602 and 655
Do you wanna dance? Classes in ballroom and Latin dances will be offered on Tuesday nights from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at Buckingham County High School in the Concourse Area. Classes run through October 23. Sandra Mangialetti is the instructor. And, yes, she can teach even those of us who claim to have two left feet.
The instruction will feature five different Ballroom and Latin dances. Participants will learn approximately four different steps to each dance.
Dances covered may include the Waltz, Rumba, Cha-Cha, West Coast Swing, and Salsa Mambo. Cost is $40. Register by calling the Buckingham County Department of Recreation at (434)969-4242.
The Buckingham Chamber of Commerce is continuing its tradition of sponsoring the Best Grandma and Best Grandpa Contest.
Please note that the Chamber has decided to extend the deadline for accepting nominations for the Best GP contest to Friday, Oct 5.
Winners will be announced at the Historic Village during the Fall Farm Fest on Oct 13
Grandparents must be residents of Buckingham County. However, grandchildren, of all ages who would like to nominate their grandparent or grandparents, may reside outside of the county.
The nomination process involves writing a one-page letter stating why the grandchild feels his or her grandparent is the best. Or, the grandchild may want to use a simple form available at Moss Motor Company and the Buckingham Public Library.
Send entries to Buckingham Chamber of Commerce, P. O. Box 951, Dillwyn, VA 23936.
On Saturday, October 6, Central Virginia Christian School is hosting a fundraiser for its building fund. The fundraiser will feature a Motorcycle Ride, Gospel Concert, and food.
The motorcycle ride will begin with registration at 9:15 a.m. Riders will leave the school's parking lot at 10 a.m. Registration fee for the ride is $15 for bike and driver and $5 for passengers. The ride will be approximately 85 miles.
After the ride, a Gospel Concert is planned. Beginning at 2:30 p.m. the line-up includes Mark Waldrop, Al Gough, Carl Burnmaster, James River Cut-Ups, Barry Snoddy, and Smokey Wilson.
Advance tickets for the concert are $8 for adults; $5 for children ages four through 12. On the day of the event, tickets for adults will be $10. Admission for children will remain at $5. Children three and under will be admitted free.
Breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase at the school. Beginning at 2 p.m., a BBQ platter lunch/dinner will be available for $8 per meal.
All proceeds will benefit the CVCS Building Fund. For more information, advance tickets and/or advanced registration
for the bike ride, contact Christy Pribble, chairperson, at 434-581-3887 or 434-392-7978.