Buckingham News
Published 3:31 pm Thursday, October 6, 2011
BUCKINGHAM ― The Auxiliary of the Arvonia Fire Department is hosting its annual Women's Day Out on Saturday, October 8, at the Arvonia Fire Department.
Vendors, crafters, and consultants will be on hand to sell or share information about their products. And, the AFD Auxiliary will be selling baked goods.
Public services include the UVA Mobile Mammography Unit in conjunction Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Call Michelle or Samantha at (434)243-4704 to schedule your mammogram.
With the November 8 election just a month away, a voter registrar will be present to register prospective voters.
Additionally, staff from the Arvonia Chiropractic Center will also be on hand. Likewise, representatives from Tirtha Salon & Spa, which will be offering free beauty consultations, free hand massages and paraffin wax dips, and eyebrow waxing. And, there will be free blood pressure and blood sugar checks will be available.
From 2 to 4 p.m., Dr. Sam Babbitt, from the Fork Union Animal Clinic, will be administering rabies vaccinations at a cost of $7 per shot.
Browns Chapel United Methodist Church is hosting a Fall Sing Along on Friday, October 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. Three groups will be performing.
The evening will include a hot dog and covered dish supper. Hot dogs and all the trimmings will be provided.
Donations for the church's building fund will be gratefully accepted. Browns Chapel is located off Route 15 on Route 617, Gravel Hill Road. Everyone is invited.
A benefit Pancake Breakfast for H.O.P.E. Community Services, Inc. will take place on Saturday, October 8, 7 to 9 a.m., at Applebee's Restaurant in Farmville.
Breakfast will be $5 per person. Tips for the wait staff will be gladly accepted with all proceeds benefiting H.O.P.E. By the way, that wait staff will include HOPE staff, volunteers, friends, and its board of directors.
The Auxiliary of the Dillwyn Volunteer Fire Department is hosting an evening of CASH Bingo on Friday, October 7, at the Dillwyn Firehouse.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and Bingo starts at 7. Bingo packets are $20; however, please note that no checks or credit cards will be accepted. Players must be 18 years of age or older.
Hamburgers, homemade fries, and desserts will be available for purchase. And, another CASH Bingo is scheduled for Friday, November 4.
On Sunday, October 9, the Masons of Taylor Lodge will be barbecuing chicken. Chicken will be ready by noon and will be available until it's sold-out.
The menu features one-half BBQ chicken, baked beans, potato salad, homemade dessert, and beverage-all for an $8 donation per meal.
Taylor Lodge is located on Route 20 at Centenary.
White Hall United Methodist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, October 9, beginning at 11:15 a.m.
Pastor Billy Swan will lead the homecoming worship service; and, the Salem Angels, of Salem UMC, will be sharing their gift of song.
After the service, the traditional homecoming dinner will be shared.
“We look forward to seeing you there,” shared Pastor Swan.
Homecoming ushers in three nights of revival at White Hall UMC beginning on Monday, October 10 through Wednesday, October 12, at 7 p.m. each evening.
Pastor Swan will be preaching. Special music will include the First Baptist Choir on Monday; Buckingham Community Choir on Tuesday; and Smokey Wilson on Wednesday.
White Hall UMC is located in the residential area of Dillwyn on Main Street.
On Sunday, October 9, 3 p.m., at First Baptist Church of Dillwyn, the Women's Mission Union of James River Baptist Association will host its fall workshop.
Guest speakers will be Beth Croxton, of the Richmond Outreach Center, and Anna Kissne`, of the Women's Mission Union of Virginia.
Beth will share information about what her team would be able to offer if they host a youth encounter event in the JRBA.
At the Mom and Me Weekend at Eagle Eyrie, Anna Kissne` shared about her church's Backpack Food Ministry.
As the WMU considers the Backpack Food Ministry as a possible project, this workshop offers an opportunity to learn more about this program as well as the youth encounter event. Moreover, it provides information about how WMU and their churches can become involved.
After the program, a time of fellowship is planned. JRBA WMU members are asked to bring finger food for the fellowship time.
On Wednesday, October 12, from 12 noon to 6 p.m., the American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at Heritage Hall Nursing Home in Dillwyn.
This visit is sponsored by the 17th District Masonic Lodges. Give the gift of life and help make this blood mobile visit a life-saving success.
Buckingham TRIAD is hosting a presentation, The Medicare Puzzle: Putting the Pieces Together, on Wednesday, October 12, 11:30 a.m., at the Buckingham Agricultural Center. Guest speaker will be Betty Brickhouse of the Central Virginia Area Agency on Aging.
Whether you are currently on Medicare, approaching 65 and want to be prepared, or helping a loved one navigate the many choices, you're invited to join TRIAD for this informative presentation. For more information, contact Stephanie at 969-4246, ext. 21.
Those Glenmore Firefighters have the targets ready for their annual Turkey Shoots.
The events are planned for each Friday night in October, which means you'll be able to shoot for assorted meats and money on October 7, 14, 21, and 28. Starting time is 7 p.m.
Only 12 gauge shotguns are permitted; and, no sleeved guns are allowed.
Proceeds benefit the Glenmore Volunteer Fire Department-you know, that dedicated group of volunteers who respond when we need them. Glenmore VFD is located Route 740, at 179 Fire House Road, near the intersection of Route 655 and 602, near Downtown Glenmore.
On Saturday, October 15, Historic Buckingham, Incorporated is hosting its annual Native American Artifacts and Crafts Show at the Historic Village at Lee Wayside from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission is free.
Individual collectors will have their exhibits on display. Knappers will be on hand to share the techniques used in making projectile points. Additionally, crafters will be demonstrating pottery and basket weaving.
Members of the Central Virginia Prospectors Club will be demonstrating how to pan for gold. And, Abbitt Forge, the village's newly constructed blacksmith shop will be open for visitors. Additionally, a Mountain Man will be on hand to share his knowledge about trapping and other pioneer-type skills.
Collectors of Native American artifacts/relics who would like to display their collections and be part of this event are encouraged to call Spencer Adams at (434)969-4032.
The great cooks at Glenmore United Methodist Church are hosting a steak dinner on Sunday, October 16, from 4 to 6 p.m., at the church.
Menu features a rib-eye steak, roll, baked potato, salad, dessert and drink-at $12 per plate. A child's plate with a hot dog and chips will be available upon request.
“Please make plans to attend. Your attendance and support will be greatly appreciated,” said a spokesperson. Glenmore UMC is located on Route 602, at 7988 Howardsville Rd.
On Saturday, October 15, the Buckingham County Farm Bureau will host its annual Harvest Fest from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at its office on Route 60 near Sprouses Corner.
Along with hot dogs and hamburgers sold at the “farmer's share,” there will be a yard sale, vendors, farm equipment, and that barnyard favorite-Guess the Weight of the Cow Contest.
To arrange for a free yard sale space, call Brenda at 983-2583.