Published 3:27 pm Thursday, September 8, 2011
September 8 – “A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it.”
Rain and more rain isn't it beautiful?
The Prospect Volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary thank each of you for supporting them at the Meatloaf Dinner this past Saturday night. The food was delicious and the fellowship was wonderful. The firehouse was running over with folks. It was truly good to see the excellent support.
Mr. and Mrs. Don (Betty) Meadows attended the monthly get together of the Curdsville community. They enjoyed the delicious food and fellowship.
On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith enjoyed a visit from two of their grandchildren, Brianna and Charles Smith of Keysville.
On Friday Pat Smith hosted a bridal attendant brunch at her home for Sarah Carlton. Among the ten guests were Miss Carlton's bridal party, several of her out of town friends, her grandmother, Alta Holladay, her mother, Cynthia de la Rosa, both from California and Mrs. Rosie Lapp, her future mother-in-law. Miss
Carlton will wed Tyler Lapp on Saturday, September 10.
Peggy S. Kelsey and Polly S. Duncan visited Beverly Gates Wilson on Thursday. Beverly is a resident of the Hickory Hill Retirement Community Home in Burkeville.
Mr. and Mrs. John (Lois) Gager and Mr. and Mrs. Don Meadows enjoyed the meatloaf meal at the Prospect Fire Station last Saturday.
Many from the Buckingham County area attended the great meatloaf supper on Saturday at Prospect Fire House sponsored by the Prospect Fire Department Auxiliary. Those from the Bolt family were: Flora Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas (Betty Jean) and Stacy Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. Dale (Judy) Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris (Melissa Bolt also Garland Woodson and Ann Parker. Many thanks to the cooks, the meatloaf was perfect.
Mr. and Mrs. John (Shirley) Fulcher, Pearl Fulcher, Marie Garrett, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe (Gladys) Fulcher attended the homecoming of Rocky Mount Methodist Church in Dillwyn on Sunday. Rocky Mount was the home church of John, Pearl, Marie, Joe and the whole Fulcher family when they were growing up.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Betty) Noblin visited their son, David, and his family from Sunday through Wednesday. They enjoyed their visit especially the grandchildren.
Sept. 4 was “Joshua Bolt Day”, sponsored by coach Steve and the Longwood Girls Soccer team of Longwood University held at the field on Johnston Drive. Joshua is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle (Jennifer) Bolt and was 10 years old Aug. 31. He is on a program to help him to be able to walk, talk and be independent. After the game a birthday cake and other refreshments were served. Those attending besides Joshua and his parents were: grandmother Flora Bolt, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vince (Linda) Eikmeier of Richmond and uncle Vince Eikmeier Jr., also Mr. and Mrs. Dale (Judy) Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris (Melissa) Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis (Patty) Jones, Elias and Naomi of Pamplin and Laura French.
The Jones family helps with Joshua's program.
The Southall-Woodson family reunion will be held Sept. 10 at noon. Come and join us, bring a covered dish and your family news. It will be held at the Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church Fellowship hall at Tuggle.
Family, friends and neighbors are sending special get well wishes to all those who are sick at this time, Linda Franklin.
Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle invites everyone to Sunday School at 10 a.m. with worship at 11am. The Rev. Chuck Klotzberger will fill the pulpit this Sunday.
The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect invites you to come and worship with them every Sunday; Sunday School is at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Otis Worley will fill the pulpit on Sunday.
Calvary Chapel-Farmville invites you to worship with them on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. They invite you to join them each week on Wednesday evening for Bible Study for all age groups at 7 p.m. Calvary Chapel-Farmville is located at 45 Simpson Road in Prospect, two miles west of Dowdy's Corner just off of US 460.
If you would like to contribute something to the News, call 392-6431 or email to mom@moonstar.com.