Buckingham News
Published 3:23 pm Thursday, September 8, 2011
BUCKINGHAM ― Ellis Acres Memorial Park is hosting a Gospel Concert on Saturday, September 10, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the park.
The free concert will feature music by the Baptist Union Mass Choir, Worm Patterson and All Problems Solved, Rocky Mount Men's Chorus, No Name Gospel Singers, Sister Ruby Gray, Sister Temple Taylor, Deliverance Church of Christ II, and many more.
Along with all the great gospel music, the Chamber of Commerce will announce the winners of this year's Best Grandma and Best Grandpa Contest.
Dinners will be available. Bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets and join in for a great Saturday afternoon at the park-Ellis Acres Memorial Pak, located in Dillwyn at 245 Camden Street.
Heartland Horse Heroes, a non-profit organization of dedicated volunteers who provide and support equestrian-related activities to individuals dealing with physical, mental, emotional, and social challenges or learning disabling conditions, is hosting a fundraiser on Saturday, September 10, from 5 to 8 p.m., at its Sprouses Corner Ranch site in Buckingham County.
With the goal of raising funds for the construction of an office and outdoor arena, the fundraiser will include dinner, drinks, dancing, silent auction, pony and carriage rides, activities for children, and a silent auction. Oh, and you'll be able to try your luck at guessing the square where Newt, that cutesy little burro, plops the first of his nightly nuggets-kind of like Burro Bingo.
The evening promises to be a family-friendly, fun-filled event. Tickets for adults are $20; and, $5 for children 12 and under, with the exception of those under three, who will be admitted free.
Bethlehem Baptist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 11 and you're invited.
Worship services are at 8:45 and 11 a.m.; and Sunday school at 10. The homecoming luncheon begins at noon.
Homecoming ushers in three nights of revival-Sunday through Wednesday, at 7 p.m. each evening.
Dr. David Early will be the featured speaker on Sunday and Monday evenings; and Dr. David Wheeler on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both are from Liberty University.
Special music during revival will feature Robin Slaughter, Bethlehem's Men in Black Choir, Angel Spencer, and the church's no-name quartet.
Bethlehem Baptist Church invites you to share in the celebration of Homecoming and then return for a time of Revival. The church is located off Route 20 on Route 631, Troublesome Creek Road.
Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 11, beginning with worship at 11 a.m. The service will be led by the church's pastor, the Reverend Don Moore.
After worship, the traditional homecoming fellowship luncheon will be shared.
Revival services will be held on Monday, September 12 through Wednesday, September 14, at 7:30 each evening.
The Reverend Billy Swan will be the guest speaker for revival. Special music will feature the James River Cut-Ups on Monday; Maynard Jones and the Jones Family Singers on Tuesday; and choirs from Glenmore UMC Choir and Maple Grove Church on Wednesday.
At the conclusion of revival services on Wednesday night, refreshments and a time of fellowship are planned.
Buckingham Active Seniors, BAS, invites all of the county's senior citizens to join with them for their next meeting, Tuesday, September 13, 1 p.m., at the VFW Hall, located on Route 60.
This month's program will feature Southside Virginia Family YMCA representatives Jessica Southall, membership director, and Amy Silver, exercise physiologist. They will share information about the Silver Sneakers programs offering seniors the opportunity of free YMCA membership and facility services through Medicare, and the benefits of an active lifestyle.
Games, crafts, refreshments, and fellowship follow the program.
BAS not only meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. but the group enjoys outings and special events.
Upcoming events include trips to James River State Park on September 22; and, the Virginia State Fair on October 4. Plans also include a trip to Ginter Gardens in December.
For more information on BAS, please contact: Kristen Queen, Buckingham's assistant director of recreation, at 434-969-4242.
The Woman's Club of Buckingham County will begin the club year at 2 p.m. on Thursday, September 15, at the Buckingham Arts Center.
With the theme Getting Them Ready for School, all members are reminded to bring school supplies that will be distributed locally.
Additionally, members are encouraged to bring a friend and/or prospective member. As customary, refreshments will be served after the program.
The WCBC not only meets on the third Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. but also offers members an opportunity to meet with the Lunch Bunch at noon at an area restaurant on the second Thursday of each month. The restaurant location is announced at the regular meeting.
On Thursday, September 15, 5:30 p.m., at the Historic Village at Lee Wayside, Historic Buckingham Incorporated will host its fall meeting and Brunswick stew.
Stew meals, featuring Brunswick stew, bread, dessert, and beverage, will be available for $5.
The meeting will include the dedication of the Blacksmith Shop and presentation of the 2012 calendar.
Don't forget to bring a lawn chair and a prospective member.
Buckingham Active Seniors, BAS, is hosting a Bake Sale on Saturday, September 17, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Farmer's Foods.
Instructor Linda Parker will be teaching line dancing again this fall on Tuesdays (this is a change from previous information) from 6 to 7 p.m. at the VFW Hall, on Route 60. The class begins on Tuesday, September 13.
Cost for a four-week session is $35, if 15 or fewer people register; or $30 if 16 or more sign-up.
For registration, stop by the County Administration Building or call the Buckingham Department of Recreation at 969-4242; email Kristen Queen, kqueen@buckinghamcounty.virginia.gov. Registration forms should be submitted prior to start of class.
What's in YOUR water? A drinking water clinic for homeowners reliant on wells and springs will be held in Buckingham beginning on Tuesday, September 20, at 5 p.m., with a kick-off meeting at the Buckingham Agricultural Center.
This program offers affordable water testing and educational information about water quality and private water supply system care and maintenance for homeowners through the Virginia Cooperative Extension office in Buckingham County.
Water samples will be collected on Wednesday, September 21, from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Agricultural Center. Then, on October 18, at 5 p.m., the results will be returned and interpreted. Please note that participants in this program must attend the initial meeting on September 20 to submit a water sample.
Water samples collected by participating homeowners will be analyzed for 13 parameters, including total coliform bacteria, E. coli, pH, nitrate and hardness. Cost is $45. All information is kept strictly confidential and results are reported only to the homeowner.
To participate, please pre-register by September 9, by contacting Jennifer Ligon at (434)969-4261, jligon@vt.edu.
In Virginia, Hunter Education is mandatory for 12 to 15 year olds and all first time hunters 16 years of age and older.
Two Basic Hunter Education courses are available here in Buckingham Hosted at the Dillwyn Fire Station on Route 15; the first course offers classes on September 12 through September 15, from 7 to 9:30 each evening. The second course runs from October 3 through October 6-same time, same place.
Please note that students under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Although the courses are free, pre-registration is required. Go to www.huntfishva.com to register. For those who do not have Internet access, call (434)983-3242 after 6 p.m. for registration.
Buckingham's Department of Recreation offers a variety of year-round classes. For more information on any of these, call Kristen Queen or Todd Shumaker at (434)969-4242.
Karate Class for ages four to adult meet every Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Agricultural Center next to the County Administration Complex. Instructor is James Walker.
Yoga Classes featuring Hatha Yoga are instructed by Hope Mell. Classes are available on Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 7:15; or on Wednesdays from 12:30 to 2:15, in the Agricultural Center. Cost is $30 for four consecutive classes or $45 for six consecutive classes.
Zumba Fitness classes meet on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Ag Center; or on Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m., in the gym at Maysville Baptist Church. Cost is $50 a month or $7 a class.
Sawtelle School of Performing Arts and Awareness provides classes in creative dance including ballet, tap, jazz, and modern dance; piano and guitar lessons; and exercise classes incorporating aerobic, yoga, and Pilates. Classes are held at the Agricultural Center. For more information about class schedules and fees call (434)969-2951.