Buckingham News
Published 5:46 pm Thursday, September 1, 2011
BUCKINGHAM ― Arvonia Volunteer firefighters are gearing up for another great Labor Day Weekend Chicken BBQ. The BBQ is planned for Sunday, September 4, at the Arvonia Volunteer Fire Department on Arvon Road.
Chicken will be ready at 2 p.m. The menu features one-half barbecued chicken, Cole slaw, baked beans, roll, dessert, and beverage-all for an $8 donation per meal.
You'll be able to dine at the fire department or have your meals packed for carryout. Maybe you'll want to do both.
This is a great time to show your support for these dedicated volunteers. And, what better time to do so! Yep, what could be better than BBQ Chicken AVFD-Style?
When Glenmore United Methodist Church concludes its week of revival on Friday, September 2, there is a change in the music for that night. Instead of Maynard Jones and Family, music will feature Second Time Around.
As he has all week, the Reverend Billy Swann will be the guest speaker. The service will begin at 7:30 p.m.
“Please make plans to attend,” shared a spokesperson. “We are expecting great things and want to share them with you.”
Glenmore UMC is located on Route 602 at 7988 Howardsville Road.
On Saturday, September 3, Smyrna United Methodist Church is hosting a Labor Day Celebration featuring fun for the entire family. And, you're invited.
This free event begins at 3 p.m. with games. Food will be served at 5 p.m., and music starts at 7.
So gather up the family, friends, and neighbors and join with the folks at Smyrna for the afternoon and evening or stop by as your schedule permits. And, don't forget to bring along your chairs and/or blanket.
Smyrna UMC is located near Sheppard's, on Route 15 at 3377 James Madison Highway.
Rocky Mount United Methodist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 4, beginning with Sunday School at 10 a.m. and worship at 11:15. The church's pastor, the Reverend Veronica Barrell will be preaching.
After the worship service, a covered dish luncheon will be shared. Then, after all that good food and fellowship, there will be a musical service in the sanctuary.
Revival services will be held each evening from Monday, September 5, through Friday, September 9, at 7 p.m. each evening. The Reverend Thomas R. Dunkum will be the guest preacher. Each service will feature different musicians who will be sharing their gift of music and their ministry.
“We look forward to sharing this week of celebration and worship with you,” shared Pastor Barrell.
Rocky Mount UMC is located north of Dillwyn, off Route 15 at 236 Rocky Mount Road.
Mourners Valley Baptist Church will celebrate Homecoming on Sunday, September 4, at 3 p.m. Guest preacher will be the Reverend Stevie Trent, pastor of Center Union Baptist Church in Powhatan. He will be accompanied by Center Union's ushers and choir.
Revival services will be held Monday, September 5 through Friday, September 9, with Reverend Trent as the revivalist. Choirs for the week include Traveling Aires, of Buckingham, on Monday; West Bottom, of Fluvanna County, on Tuesday; Ebenezer Baptist, of Dillwyn, on Wednesday; All for Christ, of Buckingham, on Thursday; and Saint Joy Combine Choir, of Buckingham, on Friday.
Each night of revival will begin at 7:30 p.m. with a time of Praise and Prayer, followed by worship at 8 p.m.
Mourners Valley Baptist Church invites everyone to join with them for the celebration of Homecoming and the renewal of Revival. The church is located on Route 20, at 5341 South Constitution Route.
For the 22nd year, the Buckingham Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring its annual Best Grandpa and Best Grandma Contest.
Entries must be submitted by September 7. To enter, you just need to compose a one-page essay about why your grandparent is the best; or pick up an application form at Moss Motors.
Grandparents must reside in Buckingham. However, the grandchild (no age limit) does not have to be a county resident.
Send entries to Buckingham Chamber of Commerce, P. O. Box 951, Dillwyn, VA 23936; or drop them off at Moss Motors. Entries may also be faxed to (434)983-4891. For more information and/or to arrange for emailing your entry, call (434)983-2372.
Winners will be announced at 2:30 p.m. during the Music Fest at Ellis Acres on Saturday, Sept 10.
What's in YOUR water? A drinking water clinic for homeowners reliant on wells and springs will be held in Buckingham beginning on Tuesday, September 20, at 5 p.m., with a kick-off meeting at the Buckingham Agricultural Center.
This program offers affordable water testing and educational information about water quality and private water supply system care and maintenance for homeowners through the Virginia Cooperative Extension office in Buckingham County.
Water samples will be collected on Wednesday, September 21, from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Agricultural Center. Then, on October 18, at 5 p.m., the results will be returned and interpreted. Please note that participants in this program must attend the initial meeting on September 20 to submit a water sample.
Water samples collected by participating homeowners will be analyzed for 13 parameters, including total coliform bacteria, E. coli, pH, nitrate and hardness. Cost is $45. All information is kept strictly confidential and results are reported only to the homeowner.
To participate, please pre-register by September 9, by contacting Jennifer Ligon at (434)969-4261, jligon@vt.edu.
It's not too late to enroll youth ages four and five in the county's Youth Co-Ed Soccer program. Cost is $40 per child. Practices are on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Buckingham County Middle School, just off Route 60 on High School Road.
Contact Todd Shumaker or Kristen Queen, Buckingham County Department of Recreation, at (434)969-4242.
Heartland Horse Heroes, a non-profit organization of dedicated volunteers who provide who provide and support equestrian-related activities to individuals dealing with physical, mental, emotional, and social challenges or learning disabling conditions, is hosting a fundraiser on Saturday, September 10, from 5 to 8 p.m., at its Sprouses Corner Ranch site in Buckingham County.
With the goal of raising funds for the construction of an office and outdoor arena, the fundraiser will include dinner, drinks, dancing, silent auction, pony and carriage rides, activities for children, and a silent auction. Oh, and you'll be able to try your luck at guessing the square where Newt, that cutesy little burro, plops the first of his nightly nuggets-kind of like Burro Bingo.
The evening promises to be a family-friendly, fun-filled event. Tickets for adults are $20; and, $5 for children 12 and under, with the exception of those under three, who will be admitted free.
For more information, call 983-8181; check out www.heartlandheroes.com.
In Virginia, Hunter Education is mandatory for 12 to 15 year olds and all first time hunters 16 years of age and older. So with hunting season just around the corner, it's time to make sure you've taken care of fulfilling this requirement if it applies to you.
Two Basic Hunter Education courses are available here in Buckingham. Hosted at the Dillwyn Fire Station on Route 15, the first course offers classes on September 12 through September 15, from 7 to 9:30 each evening. The second course runs from October 3 through October 6-same time, same place.
Please note that students under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Although the courses are free, pre-registration is required. Go to www.huntfishva.com to register. For those who do not have Internet access, call (434)983-3242 after 6 p.m. for registration.