Buckingham News
Published 3:46 pm Thursday, September 29, 2011
BUCKINGHAM ― On Saturday, October 1, a major youth evangelism event, Youth Encounter, will take place in Buckingham.
Focusing on teenagers throughout Central and Southside Virginia, Youth Encounter will be held on the grounds of the Straight Street building located on Route 20.
From 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Youth Encounter will offer numerous outdoor games and activities, music by a Christian rock band, and a message by a youth evangelist.
According to organizers, Youth Encounter is open to all area teens. Pre-teens are also invited.
Admission is free. However, an offering will be accepted for Change Matters to help fight world hunger. Food items will also be available for purchase.
Please note that parking will be at the Central Virginia Christian School, located in the Buckingham Industrial Park. A free shuttle service will be provided to take participants to and from the Straight Street site.
However, handicapped parking and parking for high occupancy vehicles will be available at the Straight Street site.
For more details and information about Youth Encounter, visit www.yec.org/dillwyn.
On Sunday, October 2, it's Chicken BBQ time at the Dillwyn Firehouse.
Yep, it's time for that mouth watering and super delicious barbecued chicken-Dillwyn Volunteer Fire Department-Style.
The menu features one-half BBQ chicken, baked beans, potato salad, homemade dessert, and beverage-all for an $8 donation per meal. Chicken will be ready at 12 noon and will be available until it's sold out.
For those who don't want to miss out on their BBQ chicken, stop by Moss Motor or Foster Tire for advanced tickets.
First Baptist Church of Dillwyn will host revival beginning on Sunday, October 2 through Wednesday, October 5, at 7 p.m. each night.
Guest speaker will be the Reverend Roger Roller, a full-time evangelist from Forest, Virginia. Each service will include special music.
Pastor Jimmy Dunn and the First Baptist Church family invite you to join with them for this time of reviving the spirit and rejoicing in the Good News.
Smyrna United Methodist Church is hosting its Fall Revival beginning on Monday, October 3, through Wednesday, October 5, at 7 p.m. each evening.
B4 you make plans for next weekend, be aware that the Auxiliary of the Dillwyn Volunteer Fire Department is hosting an evening of CASH Bingo on Friday, October 7, at the Dillwyn Firehouse. Yep-that's Bingo with cash prizes.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and Bingo starts at 7. Bingo packets are $20; however, please note that no checks or credit cards will be accepted. Players must be 18 years of age or older.
Hamburgers, homemade fries, and desserts will be available for purchase. And, another CASH Bingo is scheduled for Friday, November 4.
Buckingham County High School will be offering the PSAT on Wednesday, October 12, to students who are planning to apply to a four-year college when they are seniors.
The PSAT helps students practice for the SAT, one of two types of assessments that colleges require for admission.
According to Sue Miles, guidance counselor at BCHS, taking the PSAT is especially important for students currently in grades 10 and 11.
BCHS only offers the PSAT one time a year. Cost is $15. Students must register with the guidance department no later than Wednesday, October 5. Please note that payment is required at the time of registration.
For more information, call the BCHS guidance department at 969-6160.
The Buckingham County Department of Recreation is also offering a Self-Defense Course. Classes will run from October 4 through November 15, on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7 p.m., in the basement conference room of the County Administration Building. Cost is $25. Call 969-4242 and speak to either Todd Shumaker or Kristen Queen for more information and registration.
In Virginia, Hunter Education is mandatory for 12 to 15 year olds and all first time hunters 16 years of age and older. So with hunting season just around the corner, it's time to make sure you've taken care of fulfilling this requirement if it applies to you.
The LAST Basic Hunter Education course that will be offered this hunting season is scheduled at the Dillwyn Fire Station on Route 15, October 3 through October 6. Classes run from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. each evening.
Please note that students under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Although the course is free, pre-registration is required. Go to www.huntfishva.com to register. For those who do not have Internet access, call (434)983-3242 after 6 p.m. for registration or for more information.
The Auxiliary of the Arvonia Fire Department is hosting its annual Women's Day Out on Saturday, October 8, at the Arvonia Fire Department.
This event offers a great place and time to start your Christmas shopping; get your annual mammogram; and get your dogs and cats vaccinated for rabies.
Okay, so tell me where else could you possibly do that kind of one stop shop and take care of business thing?
Vendors will include consultants for Avon, Tupperware, Scentsy, Celebrating Home, 31, Longaberger, Michie Bags, D.E.B.S. Beads, and Discovery Toys.
Other vendors and/or items include handmade crocheted items including Afghans and baby blankets; Egg Art; A Thousand Words Photography; stained glass items; handcrafted fabric items including pillows; fabric covered mini-albums; woodcrafts, and wreaths.
And, the AFD Auxiliary will be selling baked goods.
Public services include the UVA Mobile Mammography Unit in conjunction Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you would like to take advantage of this service, please call Michelle or Samantha at (434)243-4704 to schedule your mammogram.
With the November 8 election just a month away, a voter registrar will be present to register prospective voters. Additionally, sample ballots will be available with a list of candidates for the upcoming election.
Representatives from the Arvonia Chiropractic Center will also be on hand. Likewise, representatives from Tirtha Salon & Spa, which will be offering free beauty consultations, free hand massages and paraffin wax dips, and free eyebrow waxing. And, there will be free blood pressure and blood sugar checks will be available.
From 2 to 4 p.m., Dr. Sam Babbitt, from the Fork Union Animal Clinic, will be administering rabies vaccinations at a cost of $7 per shot.
Those Glenmore Firefighters are getting the targets ready for their annual Turkey Shoots.
The Turkey Shoots are planned for each Friday night in October, which means you'll be able to shoot for assorted meats and money on October 7, 14, 21, and 28. Starting time is 7 p.m.
Only 12 gauge shotguns are permitted; and, no sleeved guns are allowed.
Proceeds benefit the Glenmore Volunteer Fire Department-you know, that dedicated group of volunteers who respond when we need them.
Glenmore VFD is located Route 740, at 179 Fire House Road, just a few flaps of the turkey wings from the intersection of Route 655 and 602, near Downtown Glenmore.