Published 3:54 pm Thursday, August 18, 2011
August 18 – “Maybe if we did a better job listening, history wouldn't have to repeat itself.”
The Prospect Fire Department Auxiliary will be having a meatloaf supper on Saturday, August 27, at 5 p.m. The menu will include meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, apples, rolls, tea, lemonade and dessert. The cost is a donation. Everyone is invited.
Edith Vaughan and Joyce Floyd co-hosted the August get-together of the Prospect Happy Hats Aug. 12 at Rock Branch, there was lots of delicious food serving with a great deal of good fun and laughter. Those joining Edith and Joyce for all the festivities were Hilda Allen, Alice Campbell, Betty Meadows, Ann Norton, Margaret Stockton, Pat Smith, Jeannette Tarlton, and Elsie Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Furman (Linda) Joye enjoyed six wonderful days (August 3-8) in Oxford, PA, with their daughter Chrissy Mitchell and her husband Matt, daughter Sarah and son Aaron celebrating Linda's birthday on August 7. They visited many areas of interest including the largest Smorgasbord (Shady-Maple) they have ever seen. They also dined at the Farm House near Oxford on Saturday night enjoying the most delicious crab cakes.
Sean Stockton spent Wednesday and as he does every Wednesday with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Margaret) Stockton. He joined his Paw and Granny for lunch at Merk's Place along with his Granny's classmates.
Mrs. Pat Smith attended a bridal shower hosted by Miss Cynthia Lapp at her home in Buckingham, in honor of Miss Sarah Carlton on Sunday evening.
Kate Shotwell sent several days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Don (Betty) Meadows this past weekend. Braydeen Trimble, of Scottsville, visited for the day on Monday and she and Kate had a great time in the YMCA pool.
Mr. and Mrs. John (Lois) Gager had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don (Betty) Meadows on Monday night along with their granddaughter, Braydeen.
On Monday evening the monthly covered dish dinner for the small group from Bible Fellowship was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith (Pat). Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Al Quinlan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard McClintock, Mr. and Mrs. John Utzinger and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Trump.
Mrs. Lois Gager along with her daughter Theresa Marsh, Theresa's friends Jayne Mendez and Teresa Duncan and Lois's niece Marie Ann Smith of Washington Crossing PA, spent the weekend in Windmill Point. They enjoyed the weekend laughing, talking and lots of shopping.
Gerald Palmer, of Sarasota, FL, along with his niece and nephew, Kevin and Leak Palmer of the Philippians were in the area recently visiting family.
Scottie Bailey, of North Carolina, and Angie Herni, of Virginia Beach, visited their mother Mrs. Sally Mottley. They paid a surprise visit to their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lindy (Wanda) Hamlett last Sunday.
Shirley Fulcher was delighted to have her grandson, Jonathan Fulcher spent Wednesday with her and join her for lunch at Merk's Place.
Mrs. Flora Bolt was luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. Steve (Teri) Bolt on Sunday. Also visiting was their daughter Mrs. Ashley Paquette, of Meherrin. Later in the afternoon Flora visited Mrs. Edna Woodson at Trinity Mission. Mrs. Woodson is doing well.
Jennifer and Joshua Bolt have recently returned home from a two-week trip to Minnesota with Jennifer's parents, Vincent and Linda Eikmeier of Henrico. While there, they visited Vincent's family in St. Cloud and Linda's family in St. Leo. They all were especially happy to visit with Joshua's only surviving great-grandparent, Patricia Eikmeier, of Cold Spring. They attended many family events including pool parties, dinner parties, corn-picking parties, hay rides, tractor rides, go-cart rides, card games, and even a “Pioneer Power” festival. Joshua enjoyed the vacation, but he did continue to do part of his regular intensive treatment program for cerebral palsy. At nearly ten years old, he is still learning to walk independently. While there, many of Joshua's relatives assisted him in walking and helped with his daily therapies to help him continue to progress in achieving motor skills, even while on vacation. Jennifer and Joshua are now back to their full program of intensive treatment at home, but they need more volunteers to be able to meet all his goals. If anyone is interested in finding out how they can help, please call 434-574-6536 or email jenilynnbolt@hotmail.com. You can also check out Joshua's website at www.caringbridge.org/visit/joshuabolt.
Family, friends and neighbors are sending special get well wishes to all those who are sick at this time; Peggy Kelsey, Dale Mottley, Grace Moton, Eloise Tucker and Sharon Carney.
Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle invites everyone to Sunday School at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. Rev. Chuck Klotzberger will fill the pulpit this Sunday.
The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect invites you to come and worship with them every Sunday; Sunday School is at 10 a.m. with worship at 11 a.m. Kemper Beasley III will conduct the service at Davis this Sunday.
Calvary Chapel-Farmville invites you to worship with them on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. They invite you to join them each week on Wednesday evening for Bible Study for all age groups at 7 p.m. Calvary Chapel-Farmville is located at 45 Simpson Road in Prospect, two miles west of Dowdy's Corner just off of US 460.
If you would like to contribute something to the News, call 392-6431 or email to mom@moonstar.com.