Raines Tavern News
Published 4:12 pm Thursday, August 25, 2011
Antioch United Methodist Church on the Cumberland Charge will celebrate its 131st Anniversary with Homecoming on Sunday, August 28.
Guest speaker is Rev. Rick Bucher, pastor of Thomas Chapel U. M. Church, Cartersville, and a career fireman. Rev. Bucher previously served as associate pastor at Antioch. Currently, Rev. Won Lee is pastor of the Cumberland Charge, including Antioch. Rev. Larry Lehman is associate pastor at Antioch.
Homecoming service begins at 11:30 a.m. and a fellowship meal with follow with chicken and drinks provided.
Faye B. Asal attended Homecoming services on the second Sunday of August at her home church, Ebenezer United Methodist, in Valetines. She visited her sister, Pattie Bennett, and several other relatives in that area of Virginia and North Carolina.
Sue A. Newman and Kathy A. Martin hosted a baby shower on August 13 honoring Brad and Sarah Lester Goodwyn. Carolyn Asal Lester, the maternal grandmother to be, of Richmond was present, along with local family and friends.
Congratulations to Matthew Wright, youth league player and his father, Bob Wright, one of the coaches, on participating in regional competition in South Carolina-they are pictured on the front page of The Herald on Wednesday, August 17.
The Pages and Wrights and other family members were in Buckingham County on August 13 to celebrate the first birthday of Hunter Long, son of Will and Katie Long. Big Sis Emily Long also enjoyed the family gathering.
Visiting Paul and Frances Asal in early August were their daughter, Sylvia A. Higham, of Georgia; grandson, Victor Decker, of Maryland; granddaughter Angie Kercher of Floridia with children Logan, Tori, Sarah, Eli, and Sam. Twins Eli and Sam were celebrating their ninth birthday. On Friday, they traveled to Kings Dominion and on Sunday they accompanied the Asals to services at Antioch Church.
Doris Allen Mays and Audrey Robinson represented the Charles Allen line at the Allen Reunion on August 7 held at College Presbyterian Church, Hampden-Sydney.
Dottie and LeRoy Fahrner with Sam and Diane Jamerson enjoyed a late July vacation in the Southwest. They flew to California enjoyed driving to scenic places in Utah, then through the forests of sequosias on to a visit in Olympia, Washington with a niece and family. They left from Seattle, Washington for a flight home.
Attending the first birthday celebration of Ethan McAlexander included Jeanna Smith, Cody Short, and Melissa Wright. This was in the home of Alan and Julie McAlexander of Littleton, Colorado. Big sis Gwyn also enjoyed the family kin from Virginia. The Alan McAlexander family visited family here earlier this year.
Paula and Dale Totten spent a July weekend in Pennsylvania to help celebrate her mother's birthday. Earlier, Paula and Dale vacationed in Hawaii as their tenth anniversary trip.
The sons of Audrey Robinson and their families gathered here the last weekend of July. The four brothers have made this an annual summer activity.
Representatives from Antioch Church who volunteer at the Cumberland Clothes Closet on the first Thursday of each month have had some busy days. Several times they have worked additional days when needed. Joan Page, Faye Asal, Alice Higgins, Lynn Hill, and Judy Oren are among the faithful volunteers.
Diane C. Young spent a few days last week with son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Young of Troutville.
The excitement this summer for Diane Young and family has been the birth of her first grandchild; Violet Elizabeth DeBell Watson, of Charleston, South Carolina, born to Caroline Y. and Ed Watson. Family members have made trips to visit Violet, including the baby's aunt, Sarah Y. Bass, of Colorado.