Buckingham News
Published 3:01 pm Thursday, March 10, 2011
BUCKINGHAM — On Friday, March 11, friends of Dr. Powell Anderson are hosting an appreciation dinner for him as they celebrate his many years of service to this community and beyond.
The dinner will be held at the Family Life Center/Gymnasium of the Nazarene Campground, 1151 High School Road, Route 690, across from Buckingham County Middle School.
Plans include registration at 6 p.m.; and, dinner from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. During that time, Cody Moss will be providing music.
After dinner, a program will feature tributes and presentations to Dr. Anderson. The evening will conclude with coffee and cake.
A limited number of tickets will be available at the door. Tickets are $20 each or $35 for two.
Here's a fabulous event for area young women getting ready for prom night and other special events.
The Buckingham County High School SCA, Prom Club, and Straight Street are hosting a fashion show and Cinderella's Closet this Saturday, March 12, at BCHS.
Admission to the fashion show is $5. However, admission to Cinderella's Closet is FREE.
The Fashion Show starts at 10 a.m. in the BCHS auditorium. Cinderella's Closet will be set-up in the cafeteria and the doors will open after the fashion show.
Cinderella's Closet offers students the opportunity to purchase affordable, gently used clothing and accessories that would be appropriate for Prom or other festive events.
For those who would like to provide clothing and accessories for this great project, donations of items will be accepted until the doors to Cinderella's Closet.
On Saturday, March 12, the Buckingham Community Choir and the Inspirational Choir of New Store Baptist Church will join forces to host a Praise and Worship Service at New Store Baptist Church.
The service begins at 3 p.m.; and will feature contemporary music, hymns of the church, and old time gospel music
A love offering will benefit the Buckingham Branch of the NAACP.
New Store Baptist Church is located on Route 636 at 9637 Francisco Road. Everyone is invited.
The Buckingham Chamber of Commerce will host its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m., at the Rescue Squad Building.
Guest speaker will be Ruth Wallace, extension agent. She will provide information about programs and services offered through the Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Please RSVP 983-2372 by 5 p.m. on Monday March 14, if you plan to be there for the light meal.
Maysville Presbyterian Church will host its monthly Fellowship and Food on Wednesday, March 16, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Sharon Baptist Church is hosting an evening of family entertainment on Saturday, March 19. The program features bluegrass and bluegrass gospel music by Willow Branch.
The Virginia Folk Music Association has twice named this band the “Best Bluegrass Band.”
Featuring a high-energy show appropriate for all age groups, Willow Branch offers rich harmony and superb instru-mentation.
The concert will start promptly at 7 p.m. After the concert, a time of fellowship and light refreshments is planned.
Sharon Baptist Church is located off Route 20 on Route 622 at 1627 Sharon Church Road. There is no charge for this event.
On Sunday, March 20, at 3 p.m., the Ushers of First Liberty Baptist Church will host a special service featuring guest speaker Sam Scarboro, associate minister of Fork Union Baptist Church, and music by the Buckingham Youth Commu-nity Choir.
The Reverend J. W. Steed, pastor of First Liberty, and the First Liberty Baptist Church family invite everyone to join with them for this special service.
First Liberty Baptist Church is located off Andersonville Road on Rt. 633, Rock Mill Road.
The Buckingham County Friends of the Library, Inc. Executive Board meeting will be held at the Buckingham County Branch Library on Monday, March 21, at 1 p.m. The meeting will feature a workshop on parliamentary procedure accord-ing to Robert's Rules of Order conducted by Ms. Marlene Wine, one of the lead trainers for the Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians.
Anyone interested in the use of parliamentary procedure is invited to attend.
The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Buckingham on Wednesday, March 23, from 12 noon to 6 p.m., at Heritage Hall in Dillwyn.
Masonic Lodges of the 17th District are sponsoring this visit.
Although walk-ins are always welcome, you may visit www.redcrossblood.org to schedule an appointment or for more information on becoming a donor.
Gain the satisfaction of being able to say, “I helped save a life today…I gave blood today.” As the Red Cross reminds, “The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give Blood.”
If you've taken the SKYWARN Spotter Class, here's an opportunity to further your knowledge.
A SKYWARN class will be taught at the Dillwyn Rescue Squad building on March 23, beginning at 6:30 p.m. This is an advanced class for those who have completed the initial spotter class.
For more information, visit http://www.erh.noaa.gov/rnk/SkywarnMainMenu/SKYWARNFAQ.htm. This is a link to the frequently asked questions page for the spotter class.
To register, call Kevin Flippen, Buckingham's E-911 coordinator, at (434)969-7734.
Buckingham County Volunteer Rescue Squad is offering renewal and new member registration for its Life Squad Cov-erage.
Registrations will be active as of April 1, 2011, and run through March 31, 2012. Current members whose coverage was to expire on December 31, 2010, have been extended to March 31, 2011, to continue coverage for the new timeline.
New registration forms and information will be mailed out to all Buckingham county residents the week of March 7.
Life Squad protects Buckingham County residents from “out of pocket” expense for emergency medical transport by the BCVRS when the need arises to call the rescue squad in an emergency. The Life Squad fee is $35 per year.
When service is provided, insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid is billed but usually does not cover the entire cost, leaving a balance that can be substantial depending on coverage.
With Life Squad, you will not have any “out of pocket” balance for Buckingham County Volunteer Rescue Squad.
As the cost of medical supplies, training, and fuel increases, so does the cost of pre-hospital medical care. Enrolling in Life Squad eliminates the worry about cost if you have the need to call BCVRS for emergency care.
If you have any questions regarding Life Squad, please contact Lisa Bailey at 434-983-3560 or Jane Sprouse at 434-969-7383.
The Buckingham County High School Class of 1986 will celebrate its twenty-fifth reunion the weekend of April 15-17.
Friday night will be pay your own way at Depot Diner. Saturday night is an adult only soiree at the Dillwyn Rescue Squad building. Cost will be $20 per person.
Festivities will conclude on Sunday with a nondenominational worship and memorial service followed by a family lunch at the Buckingham County Arts Center.
For more information, please call 983-1745; or, on Facebook (BCHS Class of 1986 Twenty-fifth Reunion).