Published 4:30 pm Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Cumberland County Board of Zoning Appeals will meet on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, in the Circuit Courtroom of the Cumberland Courthouse in Cumberland, Virginia, to consider the following request:
BZA 10-04: Leslie E. & Jon J. Montgomery (Electoral District 1) requests a variance from the requirements of Section 74-265 of the Cumberland County Zoning Ordinance regarding the building setback from a private right-of-way with respect to approximately 0.250 of an acre of Tax Map 16, Insert A2, Section 1, Parcel 30A. The affected property is zoned R-2, Rural Residential.
The applicant requests the setback required for structures from the centerline of a private right-of-way (Lakeside Drive) be varied from seventy-five (75) feet to seventy-two (72) feet to allow for an expansion of an existing dwelling. The affected property has a physical address of 65 Lakeside Drive, Columbia, Virginia, 23038 and is located within the Lakeside Village community at Trice's Lake. The affected property is located on the north side of Lakeside Drive (a private road) approximately 570 feet west of the intersection of Lakeside Drive and Trice's Lake Road (Rt. 612). The affected property is not located within a growth area as designated by the Comprehensive Plan.
Copies of the complete application and text of the above variance request are available for public review at the office of the Cumberland County Planning Department between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm of each business day. The public is invited to attend these hearings at which persons affected may appear and present their views. Questions or comments may be directed to Mr. Andrew V. Sorrell, Planning Director, at (804) 492-3520. Persons with disabilities are urged to contact the County Administrator's Office at (804) 492-3625 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting to arrange for any necessary accommodations.