Cumberland NAACP Names 2010-2011 Queen
Published 4:57 pm Thursday, November 18, 2010
Miss Zynoah Destini Banks, of Cornerstone Baptist Church, was crowned the new 2010-2011 NAACP Cumberland County Branch Queen on Oct. 3 at the 62nd annual Freedom Fund Pageant held at Bright Hope Center.
Zyonah is 22 months old, she loves to stand up in church, clap her hands and sing with the choir. Zyonah loves to ride the tractor and cut the grass with Papa (great-grandfather). She loves to play with her dolls, her toys, and her dogs Chief and Madison. Zyonah's proud great-grandparents are the Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, of Cumberland her mother is Ms. Whitney Byrd, and her father is Darry Banks Jr.
The 2010-2011 Queen's Court is represented by first runner-up, Miss Helena Trent, of Rocky Mount Baptist Church, and second runner-up is Miss Shaiyana Mitchell, of Sharon Baptist Church.
Zyonah Destini Banks attended the 2010 VA State Diamond Jubilee Convention (75th) in Roanoke on Oct. 30. She won second runner-up in the state King/Queen completion.