Trents Mill News
Published 5:00 pm Thursday, October 14, 2010
October 14 – Happy Birthday wishes are sent out to Jean Sledge, of Cumberland, celebrating on Saturday, October 16; Eugene (Jack) Talley, of New Canton, celebrating on Sunday, October 17; Edna Burks and Gerri Bush, both of Farmville, celebrating on Monday, October 18; Jerry Heifner, of Dillwyn, celebrating Tuesday, October 19; and Rebecca Sundeen, of Palmyra, celebrating on Wednesday, October 20.
Our prayers and thoughts go out this week to all those who are sick and shut-in.
Happy Anniversary wishes go out to Barry and Linda Miles (celebrating their twelfth), of Cumberland, and Nick and Mary Smith of Buckingham, celebrating on Sunday, October 17; John and Sarah Davis, of New Canton, celebrating on Monday, October 18; and James (Randolph) and Nancy Taylor, of Scottsville, celebrating on Tuesday, October 19.
Pete and Annie May Miles, of Dillwyn, visited several residents at Heritage Hall Nursing Home in Dillwyn last weekend.
Karen Agnew, of Richmond, daughter of Tom Snead, of Glen Allen and her friend, Jim Horning, also of Richmond, visited in the home of Barry and Linda Miles in Cumberland on Monday, October 11. They also enjoyed an evening meal at a restaurant in Cumberland. Everyone enjoyed great food and fellowship.
Welcome back home to our friend Wanda Sullivan of Cumberland who has returned home from the hospital. She is said to be getting along nicely as of this writing.
Thought for the Day: God's Glory shines through His Creation.