Published 4:30 pm Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Farmville Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 7:05 pm in the Town Hall Council Chambers, 116 North Main Street, Farmville, Virginia for the purpose of hearing citizen(s) comments on amending the following town ordinances:
Sec. 28-57. Deposits.
(a) The treasurer is authorized to require the following deposits from persons opening new water accounts:
(1) Residential consumers:
a. In town . . $100.00
b. Outside of town . . . $150.00
(2) Commercial consumers (on the basis of the treasurer's estimates of the prospective consumer's use):
a. In excess of twenty thousand (20,000) gallons per two (2) months:
1. In town . . . $200.00
2. Outside of town . . . $300.00
b. When the person opening a new account owns the property to be supplied water, the treasurer may not require a deposit.
Sec. 28-58. Rate schedule.
(a) The charge for water shall be:
(1) First 3,000 gallons . . . $19.03
(2) Over 3,001 gallons to 20,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons . . . $2.93
(3) Over 20,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons . . . $4.40
(b) The minimum charge for water service to locations within the town shall be nineteen dollars and three cents ($19.03) for up to and including three thousand (3,000) gallons, based on a bimonthly consumption. The minimum charge for service to locations outside of town shall be an additional fifty (50) percent more than the minimum charge within the town. Where consumption outside the town is in excess of three thousand (3,000) gallons, the charge shall be fifty (50) percent more than the charges within the town, based on a bimonthly consumption.
Sec. 28-59. Surcharge on multiple units served by a single meter.
(a) In addition to the charges imposed by other sections of this article, there shall be added to all bills for meters serving more than one (1) unit, a bimonthly surcharge of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per unit for all units in excess of one (1), whether occupied or not. For the purpose of this section, a unit is described as follows:
(1) The part of a building designed or used as separate living quarters.
(2) The part of a building designed or used as a separate business, profession, trade or occupation.
(3) For nursing homes, hospitals, roominghouses, boardinghouses, or any like structure, every four (4) beds shall constitute one (1) unit.
(4) For hotels, motels, or any like structure, every four (4) rooms shall constitute one (1) unit.
(5) For mobile home parks, each space designed or used to accommodate one (1) mobile home shall constitute one (1) unit.
(b) For customers outside the town the surcharge shall be the same as for customers inside the town, plus fifty (50) percent.
(c) There shall be no surcharge on dormitories when they are owned by an educational institution and used to house students attending that institution.
Sec. 28-158. Sewer charge.
(a) There is hereby imposed against each water user having a sewer connection into the town sewer system a charge equaling one hundred twenty (120) percent of the water bill.
(b) For each connection into the town sewer system that is not a user of town water, there shall be a bimonthly charge of, forty eight dollars and forty cents ($48.40) plus a bimonthly charge of forty-eight dollars and forty cents ($48.40) for each additional unit, whether occupied or not.
(c) For the purpose of this section, a unit is described as follows:
(1) The part of a building designed or used as separate living quarters.
(2) The part of a building designed or used as a separate business, profession, trade or occupation.
(3) For nursing homes, hospitals, roominghouses, boardinghouses, or any like structure, every four (4) beds shall constitute one (1) unit.
(4) For hotels, motels, or any like structure, every four (4) rooms shall constitute one (1) unit.
(5) For mobile home parks, each space designed or used to accommodate one (1) mobile home shall constitute one (1) unit.
(6) For schools, day-care centers, or any like structure, every fifteen (15) students shall constitute one (1) unit.
(d) For customers outside the town that are not users of town water, the charge shall be the same as for customers inside the town, plus fifty (50) percent.
(e) All users contributing more than five hundred thousand (500,000) gallons per month and whose waste strength is greater than two hundred (200) mg. BOD/l or two hundred (200) mg. TSS/l or twenty-five (25) mg. TKN/l, shall prepare and file with the town manager a report that shall include pertinent data relating to the wastewater characteristics, including the methods of sampling and measurement to obtain these data, and these data shall be used to calculate the user charge for that user. The employees of the town or designated agent shall have the right to gain access to the waste stream and take its own samples. Should the employees of the town or designated agent do so and should the results be substantially different as determined by the laboratory of the town wastewater treatment facility or designated certified laboratory from the data submitted by the user, the user charge for that user shall be revised for the next billing cycle period.
Any person wishing to comment on the above-mentioned matter should plan to attend this hearing. Any questions may be directed to the Town Manager's Office, 116 North Main Street, and Post Office Box 368, Farmville, Virginia 23901 or by calling (434) 392-5686, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm., Monday through Friday.
It is the intent of the Town to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you need special accommodations, please contact Gerald J. Spates, Town Manager, (434) 392-5686.