Bush At The Wheel, Democrats Cut Steering
Published 4:30 pm Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Editor, The Herald:
I'm sorry to say that I am not in agreement with the writer of and letter to the editor about the party of no driving us into the ditch. To help you understand, yes Bush was at the wheel but the Democrats had disconnected the steering and the brake.
Lets look back at some history of events.
The democrats under Kennedy and Johnson pushed for and obtained the welfare system for the poor. Good in some respects but corrupt, abused, and fraudulent in a lot of cases. It gives most of the poor the ability to stay where they are and never even try to better them selves.
Then we have Clinton and his Democrats who helped even more by forcing the banks to make loans to under qualified borrowers. Fanny, and Freddie at the heart of this gave out loans like there would never be a tomorrow. (By the way I hope everyone noticed that when Obama and the Democrats came down on the banking industry that they somehow forgot to go after Fanny or Freddie.)
The poor could then buy housing in areas that would otherwise never be purchased due to the loans not being available.
These people then moved into once nice neighborhoods where the American dream was a reality. As the upkeep fell on these homes, the values dropped and the Middle class taxpayers moved out leaving their once viable neighborhood to become crime and drug areas that people are afraid to drive through.
The legacy of the Democrats is that our country has become a welfare- dependent, low-educated hotbed of high government spending and liberal thinkers who will not wake up and smell the coffee.
Are the Republicans the party of no? I guess you could say that without worry. No big spending, no more big government, no more extension of welfare. I think I could live with that.
The Democrats have spent more money than every President from Washington to
Bush all combined since Obama took office. Not to mention the Health Care law that has already driven up health cost, and drained Social Security. If you have health care you may have already noticed the increase in your co-pay. You may think it's not much until you think about how many people are paying more and the overall amount it adds up to.
A tax is still a tax no matter what they call it. Medicaid tax, Health care tax, Income tax, and then to make matters worse driving up cost by legislation that knowingly will be adverse to the Middle Class as they will have to pay the slack for the poor.
Tom Perriello may have done some good things for our state, but has also shown his true colors by voting his party lines when asked and not looking out for the American Taxpayers or his constituents. As I see it he is two faced and out to propel the Democratic Party rather than helping Virginia.
Whoever you vote for, be it Perriello or Hurt, remember, it's not the politician or the party that you are voting for it is what is best for the state of Virginia. I personally think that Perriello is and will be bad for our state, but great for his party.
Alan Haddaway Sr.