Published 4:30 pm Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Notice is hereby given that Cheryl's Taxi, Inc., 3268 Shelton Store Rd., Buckingham, VA 23921, has applied for authority to operate as a COMMON CARRIER – IRREGULAR ROUTE NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION PROVIDER, providing service statewide within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The authority, if granted, will only authorize the transportation of passengers whose trips are brokered/arranged through LogistiCare Solutions L.L.C. for the Department of Medical Assistance Services.
Any person who wishes to support or oppose the application, but does not wish to be a party to the matter, must send a written statement to: DMV, MSC-CMU, P.O. Box 27412, Richmond, VA 23269-0001. The statement must be signed and contain the applicatant's name and DMV case number (MC1000068DD).
Any person who wishes to protest the application and be a party to the matter must contact DMV at (804) 367-6504 to receive information on filing a protest. The deadline for filing letters of support, opposition or protest is September 21, 2010.