Buckingham News
Published 4:30 pm Thursday, September 9, 2010
BUCKINGHAM – Glenmore Volunteer Fire Department will be serving-up barbecued chicken on Sunday, September 12, beginning at 12 noon.
The menu includes one-half BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, roll, and beverage for $8.
You can dine at the Glenmore Fire Station or have your order packaged for take-out. For those who would like to have their order ready for pick-up, call 969-2317 on Sunday prior to noon.
Proceeds benefit the Glenmore Volunteer Fire Department, located near the intersection of Routes 655 and 602 on Firehouse Road, Route 740. Great food for a great cause-let's roll.
The Buckingham Farmers Market continues to operate each Friday from 3 to 7 p.m., adjacent the Buckingham Community Park, located on Route 1003 at the intersection of Route 20 and 15.
The Woman's Club of Buckingham County will be out in the community this weekend to offer a convenient opportunity to register to vote.
On Friday, September 10, members of the WCBC will be at Farmers Food in Dillwyn from 4 to 7 p.m. Then, on Saturday, September 11, they'll be at Lucky Convenience Store located near the intersection of Routes 15 and 20, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call the Voter Registration Office at 969-4304.
Bethlehem Baptist Church will celebrate Homecoming on Sunday, September 12. Worship services are held at 8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m., with Sunday school at 10.
Al Gaspard, grandfather of Grady Johnston, will be the guest speaker during the worship services.
After the 11 a.m. service, that great tradition of a homecoming dinner will be shared.
Revival services are planned for Sunday, September 12, through Wednesday, September 15, at 7 p.m. each evening.
Featured speaker for each night of revival will be Reverend Gaspard. Special music includes Revival Six on Sunday evening; Men's Choir of Bethlehem on Monday; New Beginnings on Tuesday; and Robin Slaughter on Wednesday.
Everyone is invited to share in the Homecoming celebration and return for Revival.
Pastor Grady Johnston and the Bethlehem Baptist Church family invite you to share in the celebration of Homecoming and return for Revival. The church is located at the intersection of Route 20 and 631.
Arvon Baptist Church will be celebrating its 115th Homecoming Service on Sunday, September 12, at 11 a.m., with the Reverend Troy Hickman and the Arvon Choir.
After the worship service, the Homecoming celebration will continue with fellowship and dinner-on-the-grounds.
Arvon Baptist Church invites everyone to join with them for a great day. The church is located on Route 15.
It's Gospel Gala time at Heritage Hall on Sunday, September 12, from 12 noon to 4:30 p.m.
Festivities include BBQ dinners, cake auction, live music, and, at 4 p.m., the announcement of the winners of the Buckingham Chamber of Commerce's Best Grandpa and Grandma Contest.
Mount Tabor United Methodist Church is celebrating Homecoming on Sunday, September 12, beginning with worship service at 11 a.m. The church's pastor, the Reverend Donald Moore will be offering the homecoming message.
After the service, everyone is invited to stay for the traditional and always enjoyable homecoming mainstay-Dinner on the Grounds.
Revival services are planned for Monday, September 13, through Wednesday, September 15, with services each evening at 7:30 p.m.
The Reverend Justin Williams will be in the pulpit on Monday night, with special music by Cody Moss and Byron Massie. On Tuesday, the Reverend John Flood will be preaching; and music will feature Noah and Sandra Hickman.
Reverend Williams will be back on Wednesday night, with music by Worm Patterson and All Problems Solved. At the conclusion of Wednesday's service, refreshments will be served in the fellowship hall.
Pastor Moore and the Mt. Tabor UMC family invite you to celebrate Homecoming with them on September 12 and then return for the renewal of Revival Monday through Wednesday. The church is located on Route 56, James River Highway.
The 4-H Livestock Club is beginning its new club year with an interest meeting for youth ages 9-18 and their parents who would like to find out more about what a 4-H livestock project involves. Planned for Tuesday, September 14, at 6:30 p.m., at the Buckingham Agricultural Center, the evening will begin with a hot dog supper followed by a short meeting.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP by calling 969-4261 or e-mailing rpayne04@vt.edu.
The Woman's Club of Buckingham County is gearing up for a great new club year and will have their first meeting on Thursday, September 16, 2 p.m., at the Buckingham Arts Center.
To help get the year off to a good start, members and guests are encouraged to bring a music box to share during a special tune-up time.
This meeting is open to prospective members and anyone interested in finding out more about the WCBC.
The annual fall membership meeting of Historic Buckingham, Inc. is Thursday, September 16, beginning at 5:30 p.m. with a meal featuring Brunswick stew, homemade breads, dessert and beverage. Cost for the meal is $5. Please note that no quarts of stew will be sold until everyone attending has been fed.
Hosted at the Historic Village at Lee Wayside, the meeting will include the presentation of the 2011 HBI calendar and plans for the coming year.
Prospective members are always welcome and tours of the Village will be available. And, you might want to bring your lawn chair or camp chair.
Due to training schedules of Red Cross personnel, the American Red Cross Bloodmobile visit originally scheduled for October has been moved-up to Friday, September 17. Yes, that's Friday, September 17, from 12 noon to 6 p.m., at Heritage Hall in Dillwyn.
This visit is sponsored by the 17th District Masonic Lodges.
Buckingham County Volunteer Rescue Squad is accepting registrations for a Basic EMT-B class that will be held this fall at the Dillwyn Rescue Squad Building.
Cost is $25 and is due at registration. For more information and/or registration, call the Dillwyn Rescue Squad at (434)983-3560.