Assistance Offered At Resource Fair Oct. 9
Published 4:31 pm Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Area residents in need of assistance should mark their calendars for Saturday, October 9. On that day from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at the Prince Edward County High School Cafeteria, local agencies who provide services to those in need will come together to give out information and help to those who are in need.
The event is being sponsored by the Farmville Area Ministerial Association. The president, Rev. Sylvia Meadows of Farmville United Methodist Church, hopes that the event will be the start of new spirit of co-operation and communication by organizations who serve the needs of local citizens.
“With the economic problems facing our country, many folks are out of work and in need of a helping hand,” said Rev. Meadows. “Whether the need is for food, shelter, clothing, medical services, job assistance, fuel assistance, emergency care, sanctuary, recreation or spiritual guidance, there are organizations here who want to help.”
“We are inviting more than 30 area service agencies to participate,” she explained. “Individuals and families who may be interested in receiving services or volunteering for service are welcome to attend the Resource Fair. Personnel from the agencies will be on hand at a work station to provide the public with information about the services they offer, and how folks can volunteer to help.”
For example, FACES (the local food bank) will be represented at the fair. Folks who are interested can come by and find out how they can sign up to receive food from FACES, which provides bags of groceries each Saturday in Farmville.
Agencies invited to attend include: At Work, Angel Food Ministries, Crossroads Services Board, Daily Bread, Inc., Farmville (Piedmont Area Agency on the Ageing), Emergency Food & Shelter National Board Program, Farmville Area Community Emergency Services (FACES), Family Preservation Services (Providence Service Corp), Farmville Area Ministerial Association (FAMA), Goodwill, and Habitat For Humanity. Also, Health Departments – PE/Cumberland, Heart of Virginia Free Clinic, HOPE Community Services, Hospice of Virginia, Legal Aid Society, Madeline's House, Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virginia, Rehabilitative Services (Farmville), Red Cross, Salvation Army, SCOPE/Meals On Wheels, P.E./Cumberland Social Services, St. Theresa's Food Pantry, STEPS, United Way, Victim Protection Program (CA's Office), Virginia Cares (ex-offender re-entry), Virginia Employment Commission and YMCA.
For more information call Larry Lehman, the Resource Fair Contact, at 434-607-2399. Lehman heads up the local branch of the Salvation Army.